View Full Version : new to e.bid - come from greedbay!!

30th September 2008, 09:43 PM
Hi I joined e.bid only yesterday. Just opened a store here and have only listed a few things so far. Iwas wondering if there is a way i can somhow drag my descriptions from e.bay over to my listings in this store. I am not good at the computer thing and finding my imagination for description tiresome!! Have only had my shop over the otherside for 6 months and already dissalussioned although have had goods sales until recently. I am warey of auctions on this site as don't know how busy it is so at moment BIN is what i'm doing.
Any advice/critism is welcome...Thanks and good luck to us all... Irene

3rd October 2008, 05:42 PM
Hi there, welcome to ebid. I've sent you a PM with some instructions etc in :)

8th October 2008, 03:16 PM
Hi, am new here myself and have been checking out the ended listings for a couple of weeks and have to agree it does seem a little slow! I have well and truly had enough of " the other site", and would really like to make the move but i do at least sell the odd item there, where as here, the type of items i sell dont seem to be in much demand! I dont know what to do for the best really, cannot think of another line that i would rather sell instead.

8th October 2008, 04:41 PM
Ebid is on the up and up and getting bigger each day. A quick nosey around the forums will show you that more sellers are getting bids on their items. Sellers buy too, so the more sellers, the more buyers ebid has.

Things on the other site are not looking good and there are a ot of dissilusioned sellers and buyers alike. Ebid has been voted as 'the best alternative' and if more people see this then they will come over to ebid and bring the sales and purchases with them too. See this thread for more info. http://helpdesk.ebid.net/showthread.php?t=113500

With ref to your items, you haven't got a sig link to your listings or store, so can't pass comment on whether what you sell is in demand or not. However, the best advise would be to try and see. Whatever your items are, make sure you have a good variety of colour or size (if applicable). Give it time and see how you get on. Promote ebid where you can, to who you can, let your buyers know you have a new location and where to find you. Take a peek through the forums, there is some great advise on promotion.

8th October 2008, 10:20 PM
You can also "borrow" turbolister from FeeBay , use it to build your auctions right on your desktop, their Description tool is quite nice allowing you to get things "just right" and once you are done, go to the HTML tab, copy everything and paste to your Ebid auction panel, and it should all work fine- it is, after all, plain old HTML code - works everywhere. :) - and TL allows you to save your listings, backup, create from template, etc.. Obviously you cant use it to UPLOAD your stuff to Ebid, but you can use it to build your auction pages - the rest of it is just a matter of selecting your options/settings - I havent studied up on the bulk upload tool yet, but If I figure out a decent system to make creating new listings quick and easy, I'll be sure and let y'all know :)

31st October 2008, 03:14 PM
Hi there, welcome to ebid. I've sent you a PM with some instructions etc in :)
Hi Can you kindly send me directions on how i can utilise my TL descriptions for ebid, it would save me reinventing the wheel.
Many thanks in advance

31st October 2008, 04:24 PM
Hi Can you kindly send me directions on how i can utilise my TL descriptions for ebid, it would save me reinventing the wheel.
Many thanks in advance

Start up TL, go to your inventory, choose an item which you want to list at ebid, edit, go to description builder, select all, copy, paste to ebid description, edit out all reference to the other site or any stores, and voila!.

Both use HTML code so you could also copy/paste your html code, into the ebid form (you need to be sure you have HTML Edit turned on, and not one of the wysiwyg editors)

Actually, I built my own templates and store my templates and "inserts" where they are handy, when I want to list something on ebid, I just open the appropriate template, add in whatever description, and its all done.

31st October 2008, 04:27 PM
Hi, am new here myself and have been checking out the ended listings for a couple of weeks and have to agree it does seem a little slow! I have well and truly had enough of " the other site", and would really like to make the move but i do at least sell the odd item there, where as here, the type of items i sell dont seem to be in much demand! I dont know what to do for the best really, cannot think of another line that i would rather sell instead.

Are there a lot of live auction listings for your items? Have you considered the possibility you may be the first person here to even *offer* the items you wish to sell? It is entirely possible you will fill a niche market that is in demand, only, people cant find good deals on the product here.. so if you are first to list those items at a good deal, you're ahead of the game, until someone comes along that can beat your deals :)