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17th August 2003, 12:52 AM

Historically aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years for healing and spiritual rituals. Aromatherapy and its various uses was a sacred practice in most traditional cultures including the Persian, Hebrew, Mayan, Greek, Egyptian and Chinese.

Today, aromatherapy is a very active movement in Europe, especially in France where it is now a recognized medicine reimbursed by medical insurance.

Plants from all over the world contain useful essential oils. These highly volatile oily substances to which the plant owes its perfume and flavor, are present between the cells and act as plant hormones, regulators, and catalysts. They may be considered as representing the vital elements or life force within the plant.

Extraction methods are of utmost importance with purity being imperative in order to obtain good therapeutic results.

Breathing in these essentials oils is what gets the required results.

Aromatherapy requires an extremely high quality of essential oils. Synthetic substances cannot replace the real product. There are hundreds of chemical components in essential oils. Most of them are in minute quantities, and yet it is the precise combinations and ratios of elements which render each oil powerful.

Because of that, solvents or preservatives are not used in the preparation of first-quality essential oils. A steam-distillation method of extraction is used instead. This process consists of sending steam througout the plants, which evaporates oils.

The steam is then condensed and the oils separate from the water. This method yields a high quality oil. The best oils come from wild organic plants.

The amount of oils found in each plant varies greatly and this is reflected in the price.

17th August 2003, 12:53 AM
Essential Oils And Their Uses

Basil: a nerve tonic..for insomnia, congestion and colds

Clove Oil: an antispetic...used for toothaches,wounds and respitory infections.

Eucalyptus Oil: clears respitory passages...good for skin infections

Frankincense: for all catarrh conditons, ulcers, boils, skin care, and laryngitis

Geranium: calming effect on the nervous system, kidney stones, skin care

Lemon: counteracts stomach acidity, powerful bactericide

Mint:headaches and vomiting, fevers and colds

Orange oil: sedative, slightly hypnotic, indicated for cardiac spasms

17th August 2003, 12:54 AM
You should always buy genuine essential oils, not a synthetic duplication. The synthetics are know as perfume or fragrance oils. For example, it takes about 30 - 40 roses to produce one drop of rose essential oil, so the synthetic is made since so many people like the smell of roses. The genuine essential oils normally cost more than the synthetic. Some unscrupulous traders try to sell synthetic versions as the real oils. The synthetics do not have the same therapeutic properties possessed by genuine essential oils.

So, here are a few hints on what to look for when buying essential oils. 1. Buy them from a reputable dealer, not from the corner store. If necessary, ask qualifications of the person selling the oil.

2. Essential oils should have the following information on the label:

The common name of the essential oil and the botanical name of the originatinig plant (the latin name)

Any poisons safety information

The concentration of the oil, 100 per cent is just that. Always look for small writing that may indicate dilution with another oil such as jojoba oil. It is reasonable for the more expensive essential oils to be diluted, but this must be labelled. There is a big difference between the cost of a diluted and the cost of a 100 per cent oil.

A use by date and an indication of the oil's expected life span.

The part of the plant used to manufacture the oil, as different parts of the plant yield different qualities of essential oil.

Essential oils are always stored in amber or blue glass bottles to protect the oils. Do not purchase essential oils in clear glass bottles.

17th August 2003, 12:55 AM
Storage of Essential Oils:

Always store your essential oils in a cool, dry, dark place away from heat and light. Do not put them in the refrigerator nor use them near open flames as the oils are flammable.

Safety with Essential Oils:

Do not apply pure essential oil directly onto the skin or take internally.

Never exceed the recommended dosage.

Do not use the same oil all of the time as you can build up a resistance to the oil. If you use a synergistic blend of the oils, you will find they are more effective. A synergy is a blend of three or more essential oils in the same mix that complement each other and address the disorder you want to treat.

Working with children call for a lower dosage. For adults, use a 3 % dilution which is about 60 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of carrier oil. For children and people with sensitive skin, use 20 drops per 100 ml of carrier oil. If you have 3 different oils in a blend you dont use 60 drops of each, it is 60 drops total for an adult strength blend.

If you are pregnant do not use Basil, Clary Sage, Cedarwood, Sweet Marjoram, Peppermint, Cypress, Fennel, Rosemary, or Rose.

If you have high blood pressure or epilepsy, do not use Rosemary, Thyme, or Sage.

For sensitive skin and allergies do not use Basil, Lemon, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemongrass, Thyme or Tea Tree directly on the skin.

Do not use Bergamot, Lemon, Lime directly on the skin prior to exposure to the sun. Vaporization of these oils does not have the same effect as other oils.

17th August 2003, 12:56 AM
There are numerous ways to use the essential oils. I've already described the oil burners (electric and ceramic/glass). But the oils can also be used in inhalations by adding 5 - 10 drops of essential oil to a bowl of steaming water. Then place a towel over the head and inhale the vapors for a few minutes just like when you were a kid and inhaled Vicks Vaporub. Or you can add 3- 4 drops onto a hankerchief and hold this near your nose for a few minutes.

You can also make body sprays and air fresheners. For those times when you cant or dont want to use a burner around the office, at home or in the car, you can prepare a blend for those trips between home and the workplace, or for a quick mist to recharge between breaks during the day. The easiest way is to blend 50 drops of essential oil (total) with 50 drops of essential oil soluboliser into 100 ml of water. Then you can mist the face and body as required/needed.

You can also use that same method and place the mixture in a spray bottle to use as a air freshener. A good recipe for that is 20 drops of bergamot, 20 drops of Grapefruit, 10 drops of Nutmet, and 10 drops of Pine. There are about 20 drops per 1 ml. blend those 60 drops with 60 drops of oil soluboliser then blend into 97 ml of water (for a total of 100 ml of 3 % solution).

You can also use cold/warm compresses using the essential oils. For instance, a hot and bothered headache will ease with a cool lavender compress. Use 5 drops of essential oil in 200 mls of water. Place a cloth on the surface of the water and then ring it out. Lay it over the affected area of your body for about 15 minutes. For a warm compress, which is useful for a foggy head/sinus congestion, repeat same method but using warm instead of cold water.

Massage: Use between a 1 and 3 per cent dilution of the appropriate essential oil to the carrier oil. The carrier oils recommended are cold pressed vegetable oil base, like almond or apricot kernel. Again, on adults use about 60 drops per 100 ml of carrier oil, and for children and people with sensitive skin/allergies about 20 drops per 100 ml. Note. Never use mineral based oils like baby oil, as carrier oils.

Baths: The blending is the same but for the carrier oil you should use a dispersing bath oil base (water-soluble). That way it doesnt leave a mess in the tub and your skin can absorb the oils more readily.

Foot Baths: Blend as above and add to the warm water in a bucket or other container.

In the Car: Scent a tissue with a few drops of essential oil and place into the air-conditioner or heating ducts to release the scent. Scent cotton/wool balls and place them in the ashtray (if you dont smoke or use the ashtray) or under the seat of the car. Or you can place on small wooden blocks that absorb the essential oils and release them slowly.

As a perfume: either blend a 3 % dilution of essential oils into a jojoba oil or into a perfume base made from pure alcohol and orris root powder.

Shower: Place a few drops of essential oils onto the wall of the shower, not in direct contact with the water (below the shower head for instance). The heat of the water picks up the essential oils and you are immersed in a giant inhalation. Another method is to blend your essential oils in a non-detergent, non-scented gel base. Use this as a moisturising , aromatic, bath gel that not only cleans but enhances your mood and emotions.

Miscellaneous uses: In the majority of cases, essential oils will not stain, however a few of the darker ones will. If you want, you can place a drop of essential oil on your collar and breathe it in like an inhalation.

When you change the sheets on your bed, place a few drops of a blend using sensual and relaxing essential oils (or any others you prefer) onto the sheets.

You can also add a few drops of essential oils into the final rinse of your laundry, to give your clothes a nice frangrance. You can even place a drop or two on the seat of your car (like lavender) to that you can have a relaxed journey.

Hope you enjoy the different methods. Use your imagination and come up with other ideas if you like.

17th August 2003, 01:06 AM
Raindrop Therapy is a simple application of dropping oils like little drops of rain from about six inches above the body. It is designed to bring the body into balance and to help align the energy centers of the body and release them if blocked. It takes approximately 40 minutes to complete. The oils will continue to work in the body for about 5 to 7 days after the treatment with continued re-alignment taking place during this time. The Raindrop Therapy Technique that is explained below is an abbreviated form. For complete details and a demonstration on how to do the therapy, please refer to Dr. Young's book and his tape, "Science and Application."


1. Have the person lie face down on a table with the head slightly lower than the rest of the body. The body should be as straight as possible with the hips flat on the table. The arms can be resting along side the body or over the edge of the table.

2. The person aplying the oils should put a drop of White Angelica on each of their shoulders to protect themselves from any negative energies from the person receiving the treatment.

3. Apply 3 drops of Valor on each shoulder as well as 6 drops of each foot. Cross hands and hold right foot/shoulder with right hand and left foot/shoulder with left hand for 5 to 10 minutes or until you can feel a heart beat in the patients foot. For this part of the application, it works best if there are two people assisting in the treatment. If you are working by yourself, do the feet only.

Valor is used to balance. It works on the electrical and energy alignment of the body. This is the most important oil that is used in this application.

4. Evenly space 5 drops of Thyme along the spine from bottom to top. Gently spread it evenly along the curvature of the spine in a circulare motion using the fingers. Apply 5 drops of Oregano the same way. Then, apply 10 to 15 drops of Mixing Oil to prevent any discomfort.

5. With 4" storkes in a brushing motion and using the nail side of your finger tips, lightly feather up the spine from the sacrum to the base of the neck. Follow the curvature of the spine. Do this three (3) times.

6. Using your finger tips again, starting at the sacrum, feather up again about 4 inches and flare your finger tips out to the side of the body. The right hand should move to the right while the left hand moves to the left. Do this three (3) times.

7. Using your finger tips again, starting at the sacrum, feather up again about 8 inches and flare your finger tips out to the side of the body. Do this three (3) times.

8. Using your finger tips again, starting at the sacrum, feather up again about 12 inches and flare out to the side of the body. Do this three (3) times.

9. Using your finger tips again, starting at the sacrum, and in full-length strokes, feather all the way up the spine to the base of the neck and then feather your finger tips out over the shoulders. Do this three (3) times.

10. Apply the oils of Cypress, Birch, Basil, and Peppermint in that order. Apply 4 - 5 drops of the first oil along the length of the spine. Layer it in by evenly spreading it with your finger tips. Do the same with the other three oils. See Dr. Young's book, Aromatherapy - The Essential Beginning, p. 80 for information on how to align the spine during this therapy.

11. Apply 5 - 6 drops of Marjoram and Aroma Siez to each side of the spine, away from the spine, into the muscle tissue all over the back. To smooth and relax the patient, work these oils into the back with a gentle massage for a few minutes. After the oils have been massaged in well, rest approximately five (5) minutes. Then apply Ortho Ease over the entire area of the back and legs.

12. For a hand towel, soak it in hot water, wring it out and lay it along the entire length of the spine. Take a dry towel and fold in in half lengthwise and place it over the wet towel. The back can become very hot. The more out of balance, the more virus or bacteria activity in the body, or the more inflammation in the spine, the hotter the area will become along the spine. The heat will generally taper off between 5 and 8 minutes and then cool right down to normal. If it becomes too uncomfortable, remove the towels and apply Mixing Oil.