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USA Experience

  1. burgyeb
    Hello to everyone & Wecolme to all new members!
  2. JanetB
    Awe thanks, I give all credit to other members who helped get me set up on eBid and am just passing on what I learned
  3. JanetB
    The only mail I usually get (at least the bulk of it) is junk mail from gawd knows who, would like to know how they find my email addy. Of course, I don't open them, just block them and delete.
  4. hopeful2
    Good night to all...sleep tight.
  5. millhousesilks
    Hello All,

    Question: I need to up date my C.Card. It is the same one i used to subscribe but Visa sent me a new one with a new number, How do i check to make sure it is the one i need to have on file?

    Thank you and have a nice day to all
  6. Lace_Dragon
    Hi guys, thanks for the invite.

    May I ask what is so hard about our postal system that the rest of the world can't understand? I've had to explain how our mail works a few times, and it seems they still don't get it. I think the Lofty person in this thread wants to start something, he's making assumptions about US sellers. http://helpdesk.ebid.net/showthread....107012&page=13

  7. JanetB
    Welcome LaceDragon!

    I went to the thread and clicked on your USPS link - for Priority Mail International it only shows flat rate prices - I know for a fact that with flat rate you can't add insurance whereas with just regular Priority Mail International you get automatic indemnity which is calculated by the weight of the package and starts at $17.00 for Canada and $24.00 for UK. The indemnity is calculated by the weight and not the contents, so if the contents are worth more than the indemnity you would have to purchase extra insurance.

  8. Lace_Dragon
    To see the non-flat rates there was a little scrollbar on that second chart on the Priority International page. I've never really shipped much internationally so I didn't know all that other stuff about insurance for international packages, thanks.
  9. JanetB
    Yup, my first Priority Mail International shipment was a nightmare at the PO desk, me asking all kinds of questions, but the assistant was really very very helpful.

    I think the UK have got it fairly easy when it comes to shipping international unlike us poor peeps in the USA

  10. hopeful2
    Hi Jan, how do we go about inviting someone to join? BTW hope you like your items & thanks for the great feedback. Sandy
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