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A Drink On YourArrival.

  1. Maelbrigda
    Good Luck at your bowls
  2. tonyreddevil
    coming up a purple jesus.
    then a whisky on the rocks.
    nice to see you two.
    cheers tony
  3. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite now please?
  4. tonyreddevil
    a grolsch please.
    cheers Tony
  5. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite please?
    cheers Tony
  6. tonyreddevil
    Cafe Laite Please?
    Cheers Tony
  7. tonyreddevil
    it will be a grolsch tonight while watching England.
  8. tonyreddevil
    another grolsch please
  9. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite please?
  10. tonyreddevil
    Cafe Laite Please?
Results 111 to 120 of 166
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