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A Drink On YourArrival.

  1. tonyreddevil
    Grolsch please?
  2. tonyreddevil
    Another Grolsch Please.
  3. tonyreddevil
    last grolsch before going up the wooden dancers
  4. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite please?
  5. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite please?
  6. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite please?
  7. tonyreddevil
    Go careful today.Amber warning for torrential Rain.2.5-3. inches of rain.
  8. whyteangels66
    cafe laite for tony
    hi ya tony its been 104 degrees here and no rain how about a trade?
  9. tonyreddevil
    Jay we have nothing but rain generally start of April Till Now.Bang in middle of holidays and still raining.Many heavy showers of rain.

    cheers Tony
  10. tonyreddevil
    rain at 8.30 a.m then a pleasant day
Results 121 to 130 of 166
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