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Ruthiewildchild Fan Club

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  1. mrsandman
    Huge thanks ruthie for my username in that lovely design xxx
  2. bykimbo
    Ruthie... got a question! No, I don't want yet more free work. I've been chatting to Huddy, and we're not seeing the same thing on his avatar, I don't think. NOT the one here, we all know that the social groups resize the graphics and break the animation. On his main one on the forums I'm seeing ghosting between head and can... he's not. Is there supposed to be animation beyond the blinking? Just wondering what's afoot!
  3. ruthiewildchild
    Kimbo, I told you not to start on the whiskey too early!!

    You sure i'ts not the smoke from the cigar - it's quite 'ghost like' ?
  4. bykimbo
    I didn't even know there was a cigar - that must be it, thanks! I think the mistake you made (ahem) was not telling me to stay off the damson gin too.
  5. bykimbo
    I am happy to report that now I've cleaned my glasses, I can enjoy the smoking cigar in all its glory.
  6. ruthiewildchild
    I'm glad to hear that .. there is nothing worse than drinking out of a dirty glass with traces of yesterdays gin in
  7. PoppyGrove
    Just dropped in to say HI - the collection of pics attributed to Ruthie is growing. So is the membership. Congrats to Ruthie and to Kim for the idea.

    Huddy - I've mentioned this club on my forum lens too if you want to add a link to that from your web site.
  8. summerdreams
    Hi Ruthie and everyone! Ruthie, I can see your work just about everywhere on the forum...you do such a great job too! I checked in your stores but there wasn't any offered there...so can I just beg for one? Please, please, please?
  9. summerdreams
    Thank you Ruthie for the banner and the banner tumbler too! xxx

    Oops ...I meant the tumbler banner...
  10. ruthiewildchild
    You are welcome ... you been on the wine too? LOL
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