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Postcard Seller

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  1. mainlypostcards
    Good morning Nigel. Just joined, but I'm running off straight away; time to get busy.
  2. somersethedge
    welcome anyway....

    are you a Postcard trader member.... if not when we get them we will post the postcard dealers warnings up about stolen stock.

    Also do you get the postcard monthly
  3. HannaHolly
    I have a section in my store for postcards- but i never seem to have enough time to get them sorted and categorised properly- one day i'll get round to updating auction descriptions and photographing all the ones i still have in boxes!
  4. somersethedge
    tell me about it hanna, it takes forever
  5. buzzbeez_place
    Hi everyone, not selling yet but have a stock of somewhere between 1500 and 2000 postcards as well as other paper stuff that will be listed soon.
  6. buzzbeez_place
    I am in need of some help. I am hoping to get my first listings up over the coming week. These are not postcards but maps (need to get these out of the way first). The maps come from The National Atlas of historical, Commercial and Political Geography by Alexander Keith Johnston which was produced in the early 1840's. My problem is that I am not quite sure what would be a fair price to ask for them. I will be selling them individually and I thought on a Bid/Bin basis. Can anyone help me. I have taken the photos and put them here: http://s248.photobucket.com/albums/g...dcastle/atlas/
  7. somersethedge
    very nice maps but... what size are they...
  8. buzzbeez_place
    Good point. The maps are 25 1/2" X 21 1/4".
  9. somersethedge
    sorry guys but maple wanted to join
  10. maplegin
    hi all, just about finding my around the other bits of the site, , computers & me dont always get on so am sometimes a bit slow

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