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  1. JanetB
    Maxx I didn't know we could get social group notiifications in our mail.

    And when are you finally going to list some items?

  2. Maxx
    Jan, when you're in the discussion... look up in the upper right hand corner of your screen: 'Discussion Tools" click Subscribe.

    Post items? Aww Jan it's summer time! I'm out riding my harley!!! Playing tennis, roller blading, swiming in the pool with all the kids and their moms. Today I'm shopping for shoes! Summer is my favorite time of year.

    I'll play with a Test auction this weekend. Hope it doesn't get closed. xxx
  3. JanetB
    I didn't notice the new features, cool!

    Well now, I don't blame you for wanting to get out and enjoy the sunshine and warm weather!

  4. Maxx
    Dear Jan,
    When I open this group, the list of messages are ordered as "First Post" first.

    I like to have them ordered "Last Post" first.

    I can't find the option to change the order. Do you know if it got lost in the change over to the new server?

    Bewildered in Berlin
  5. hush77hush
    hey all can you please stop with the its well hot in the US
    its getting bibblical over here 40 day and 40 night of rain. think we have had our summer this year think it was on a Tuesday.lol.
  6. JanetB
    Yes the posts changed round on the new servers. It's funny, because a few members wanted it this way when it was the old way round. I preferred the old way - last post first.

    Sorry m'dear, but you know it always rains in Seattle (I live close by)! So we like to brag about our rare hot and sunny days here. LOL!

  7. bykimbo
    Changing the subject slightly... I've always seen it said that if you don't put items in your shops they get taken off-line pronto. Maxx, you seem to have active shops with no items, are you doing anything to achieve that, or do they just stay there?
  8. Maxx
    Sorry Hush about your rain. Move to WI, our rainy season is April. No more talk about sunny weather!

    Jan, Thanks for the info on the order of the posts in groups. I didn't know that. I'll just work with it like you do. xx
  9. bykimbo
    Thanks Maxx, got your update about your shops just staying put lately. Looks like the system's changed. Maybe when they moved the servers they decided they could spare the space!
  10. Maxx
    Hi Kim, my shops used to close within 24 hrs when empty. Now they simply stay open... and the store banners stay on my about me page.

    However, since my stores are empty (will fill them in the Autumn) they do not show up in the store categories when looking for a store (which is how it should be).

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