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  1. Maxx
    Thank you Jan. Your info is very helpful.

    One more question... eBid submits our items automatically with the parameters you described above. At one time there was a box to uncheck if we wanted to submit our items to Google ourselves. Do you know if that option is still available? I unchecked the box prior to the new eBid layout because I was going to submit my items myself. Now I'd like eBid to submit my items for me. However, I cannot find the "submit to google" box with the new eBid format.

    Thanks to anyone who may have an answer for me.
  2. JanetB
    Go into your My Defaults area, you'll find the "eBid to upload my BuyNows to Google Shopping?"

    As far as I understand, Google made changes concerning online auction sites ie eBid now automatically upload/update our listings within hours of creation/relist. You cannot submit your own any more.

  3. Maxx
    Thanks so much, Jan. You are a wealth of information AND a Sweetheart!
  4. pugcentric
    Hi - I'm new to this group. Just wanted to mention that you should be sure to include tags when you post to the Plug Your Auctions thread. I recently found my post on google when I was checking page rank, so it definitely helps, especially now that google search has become so twitchy.
  5. Maxx
    Welcome pugcentric! So glad to have you here.
    Thanks for your info on tags. Good tip!

    More about tags: When linking pics from a photo hosting site into your html auction page, include the tags in your photo. Spider Bots crawl on your pages more frequently (adds your pages to Search Engines) if you put tags on your photos. The optimin number of tag words should be between 5 - 7 words. And be sure to use these tag words on your auction page also (descriptions).

    Thanks again for your excellent tip on tags and Plug your Auctions, pug.
  6. bykimbo
    Tags are something I'm really lazy about. If anybody were to wade through my thousands of forum posts they'd find about a dozen with tags, I suspect. Same goes for my photos. It's just one of those areas I've never got into good habits about.

    I shall be reading the colour sites links today (thanks again for those). On a related subject I enjoyed this that I found some while ago: http://www.vanseodesign.com/web-desi...of-perception/
  7. Maxx
    That's a very good read on design, Kimbo. Planning to read the rest of the pages on design tomorrow. Thanks for the link.
  8. Maxx
    We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest group member platinumfashions!

    Platinumfashions, feel free to read, learn, ask questions, and offer any tips or knowledge you may have. We're a friendly bunch of people and are looking forward to "talking" with you.
  9. platinumfashions
    can anyone tell me a better way to get in contact with ebid, i've sent several emials to their support address, and have heard nothing back the last few days. thanks for any help.
  10. Maxx
    Hi Platinum,
    Ebid has a contact page where you can submit a support ticket. Per Ebid: "Due to the enormous workload and time gaps involved with dealing with email support, please be warned that if your request is for a query that is already covered within our FAQ pages or Community Forums your ticket will be placed to the back of the queue to allow us to tend to customers that have problems that cannot be sorted out via our FAQ pages." This may be why you haven't received a response as of yet. http://us.ebid.net/help_main.php Ebid is very quick to respond to problems.

    Ebid FAQ Pages that provides Pages of Information and Video (HTV): http://us.ebid.net/help_main.php

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