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Northants & Surrounding Counties eBidders

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  1. bluebedouin
    Yes of course you can join,the more the merrier! I'd love to go up the tower myself one day.There has been talk of opening up to the public.A neighbour of mine reckons there's an eight foot sway in high winds (four each way) ,that's one hell of a wobble!
  2. hush77hush
    yeah tell me about it not sure about opening it to the public as you have to wear a harness at the top because of the wobble.lol
  3. bluebedouin
    I've recently started a new forum for Northamptonshire
    Anyone is welcome to join & post but it may only be of interest to those who live in the county.
  4. nps137
    Hi everyone. A new Ebidder from Peterborough here (it used to be part of Northamptonshire but is in Cambridgeshire now). Anyone local buying from me is, of course, welcome to pick up in person and save themselves the postage...
  5. lisa1301
    Hi all,
    I'm from Desborough and although I've been a member of e-bid for a while this is the first time that I've actually started using it, as a seller and a buyer, since defecting from e-bay.
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