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Real Food Group

  1. pearlygirl555
    Back again

    The only recipes I have been able to find for your pie are Amish, and the only people I know who have eaten this are Amish. This link takes you to a recipe that seems to be the most common, the Amish cookbooks for sale around here all have close variants.

    The Amish here who were the most animated when discussing this pie are the ones who came from "out East," Pennsylvania and surrounding states. The Amish who moved into our area from Canada and Minnesota were familiar with it, but clearly didn't think it was such hot stuff. I notice that berry and fruit pies are what the smart money backs, judging by what the Amish locally make to sell to the tourist trade. Nut and mincemeat pies are represented, but at a slim fraction when compared to the fruit and berry pies.

  2. poppa501
    Hi all! Haven't been here in ages. Kimbo--Have you thought about container planting. Those tomato hanging do-hickeys work pretty well if you have a sunny place to hang them. They are available at wal-mart here. I have grown tomatoes, and squash in large pots before. Works pretty well. Also herbs, radishes etc. are good candidates for pot growing. If you have a fence you might consider growing cukes and climbing beans, peas at the base and let them grow up the fence. Just some ideas. Good luck on the allotment.
  3. pearlygirl555
    Mark rides his bike to town all the time in the summer so he notices things I don't, and he told me about someone who bought a bag of potting soil, sliced a hole in it, and planted a tomato there. The person would move the bag around to seek more or less sun, as the situation warranted. Eventually the original plant died so they got a new bag of soil and a new tomato plant, and this one apparently has set fruit. Their system is working far better than ours this summer!
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