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Type: Posts; User: lesley771hawkins

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  1. Replies

    Re: Old Seller has returned...

    Hi there, like you I am an old seller returned to ebid, only been open a couple of weeks or so and had 2 sales!! I just hope it continues lol. Here's hoping to a lot more for everyone xx
  2. My Ebid New Year resolution is . . . . .

    sellers are also buyers!!
    So . . . . as a newbie, I shall be looking here on Ebid for what I want / would like or need before I look anywhere else!! Probably not a new concept I'm sure but,...
  3. Re: Domestic shipping per order - is it possible?

    Thanks guys, pretty sure I have managed to do all of the above ;) all I need now is some customers but I'm sure they will come xx
  4. Re: Domestic shipping per order - is it possible?

    Thank you Cornishmaid and Tony41 for your help. I will go have a look straight away :)
  5. Domestic shipping per order - is it possible?

    Hi everyone, as a newbie to ebid (so glad I found you all too ;) ) I am gradually finding my way around. I would like to offer domestic shipping per order as opposed to per item. Having looked in all...
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