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Type: Posts; User: crafters_corner_2

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  1. Replies

    Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    I don't mind the clumps which can be contained and give a lovely splash of colour with the primroses - which are also taking over the garden but easily managed. But keeping on top of the bluebells...
  2. Replies

    Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    We are fortunate enough to have several bluebell woods near us and they are spectacular at the moment. The English variety is so delicate compared to the Spanish thug which is invading our gardens....
  3. Replies

    Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Pretty little white flower:

    Chincherinchee - Star of Bethlehem.
  4. Replies

    Re: Stamps advice please.


    Have received like for like postage postage stamps this morning - £29 worth.
  5. Replies

    Re: Stamps advice please.

    Thank you so much robbielowe - I had no idea this was still valid. You may have saved me a fortune (and my husband's neck).
  6. Re: Here we go again! Postage edit time!

  7. Replies

    Re: Stamps advice please.

    Thanks, Bill. Looking at the prices they are fetching on other side i.e. £1.50 per set including postage, I think I would be better of just splitting them to make up postage on other sales. I am...
  8. Replies

    Stamps advice please.

    I have just cleared a cupboard and found a box file full to the brim with packs of GB stamps, commemorative and otherwise, MNH.

    Sooooo annoyed with OH who forgot they were there.

    Must be...
  9. Stamps, Dies, Embossing Folders for Card Making - Most Unuder £2!!

    Downsizing my craft stash.

    Most items are at a bargain price of under £2.

    Latest listings: 6573565736
  10. Cardmaking and Scrapbooking Stamps - Bargain prices and fair postage.

    I am downsizing my cardmaking stash and will be listing lots of clear stamps, dies and embossing folders.

    Please take a list at those already listed.

    If you are searching for anything in...
  11. Replies

    Re: HMRC Is After Your Sales Money

    Thank you Mark 4740. That makes it clearer.
    Moving to a bungalow later in the year and no way will all our possessions sell for under those limits. OH has hundreds of maps and books and I have...
  12. Replies

    Re: HMRC Is After Your Sales Money

    Please be patient with me: I am an old lady and know nothing about tax, not having to pay any.

    Does the 30 mentioned mean listing that number at any one time? And where does the £1,000 apply -...
  13. Re: New Royal Mail charges from Oct 2023

    I bought a load just before last price rise so okay for now.
    Re your comments about postage books on other side: I purchased these a couple of years ago and for all the world they looked genuine....
  14. Re: New Royal Mail charges from Oct 2023

    [QUOTE=PEK2036;1734886]I buy and sell football programmes (as a hobby)....
    This price increase has just simply wiped out the hobby, as now a £1.00 valued programme will come with a hefty £3.00...
  15. Re: New Royal Mail charges from Oct 2023

    Quite a hefty increase for large letters. Really bad news for sellers of knitting patterns. Mine are always dispatched in card envelopes which often takes the weight over 100g.
  16. Re: New Royal Mail charges from Oct 2023

    No Xmas cards this year, then.
    On a more serious note, this is going to put a lot of small sellers out of business.
  17. Re: rant for the month docs and pharmacies

    It IS inefficiency when not enough are ordered. I am told every time that certain drugs are on order and will be there the next day. My point is, when drugs are ordered on a regular basis, there...
  18. Re: rant for the month docs and pharmacies

    Know just how you feel, Merlin. My husband has been on the same prescription for thirty years. We have used Morrisons for collection since that facility has been available. Yet, almost every...
  19. Replies

    Re: Had a shock and had to sit down!

    My son does this every year and gets a measly £5 reduction for his trouble. I understood there were new laws requiring companies to offer existing customers the same deals as new ones. May be...
  20. Re: One of my listings keeps disappearing

    Don't shoot the messenger :) Only trying to help.
  21. Re: One of my listings keeps disappearing

    Gerber Owns All Rights To The Term "Onesie". You can't list them here or anywhere else.

    Try "All-in-One" or similar.
  22. Replies

    Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Bill, I wasn't requesting any frogspawn :D Just wondered if our's is late or whether we were'nt getting any.
    We only have a tiny preformed 'pool' but we occasionally have a frog in the summer.
  23. Replies

    Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    I'll pass on that one, thanks :( We once stored some grass cuttings in a sack and rats overwintered in it!!! When we moved it to go to the tip, a couple of rats scampered out and ran under the...
  24. Replies

    Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Does anyone have any frogspawn?
  25. Re: Do you have a hoard of 1st & 2nd class stamps?

    Post Office clerk informed me on Friday that there is to be an amnesty until 31st July.
  26. Replies


    Several years ago,I purchased an ADKAF mug holder from an eBid member based in New Zealand - JulieBabe? This excellent product was designed by her father, Digby Green.
    OH has just ruined his two...
  27. First come - first served with a bargain!!!

    all crafting cd-roms are reduced to £1.50 each!

    One week only.
  28. Replies

    Re: Update card details!

    I have just updated my card and agree that it is confusing. If you click on "pay" (that alone is confusing") and enter your postcode, it should accept your new card.
  29. Cardmaking cd-roms at bargain prices!!

    Card Making CD-ROMS for all occasions.

    No harm in looking:cool:
  30. Cardmaking cd-roms at bargain prices!!

    I am downsizing my craft room and all must go.

    Just to start, some cardmaking, scrapbooking CD-ROMS. All in very good condition and low prices.
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