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Type: Posts; User: tesb1980

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  1. Replies

    Re: Non paying bidder process

    I think perhaps you shouldn't have canceled the sale. Instead, in order to get your FVF back, contact support and open a ticket. They will refund your fees that way, plus you can still leave negative...
  2. Replies

    Animal Miniatures by Kaiyodo

    Hi guys,

    I've added a new category to my store for animal miniatures. These are all highly detailed figures done by Kaiyodo, a very famous and popular toy manufacturer in Japan. Please have a...
  3. Animal Miniatures by Kaiyodo

    Hi guys,

    I've added a new category to my store for animal miniatures. These are all highly detailed figures done by Kaiyodo, a very famous and popular toy manufacturer in Japan. Please have a...
  4. Replies

    Re: Excessive postage!

    Because unfortunately there are calculative sellers who will do anything to save on fees, even if the fees in question are low... I do hope such a situation never comes to pass where so many sellers...
  5. Replies

    Re: Identifying document request?!?!?!

    I've only been here a short time, but I've found eBid's response time to be excellent. With regards to document review, they verified my details and lifted my account restriction within an hour.
  6. Re: Cannot login...do not get the upload document request that ebid said I should fol

    Likely documents which can verify your identity and address as registered on eBid. As long as the info is correct your account restriction will be lifted quick. Same thing happened to me, and once I...
  7. Replies

    Re: Google Checkout vs PayPal?

    If OP is asking as a seller and not a buyer, unfortunately Goggle Checkout is not available in Australia....or Singapore either.... :(
  8. Re: My New Toy Store - TESB1980 Toys Games & Collectibles

    Thanks, that's a good idea! I'll categorize my listings as I do my updates...
  9. My New Toy Store - TESB1980 Toys Games & Collectibles

    Hello everyone,

    I joined eBid in November and really like the seller features and functions, and customer support has been very quick and top notch. Now all that's left is to start getting some...
  10. Replies

    Re: Purchase but no payment

    Thank you very much darklisruthven for the quick reply!
  11. Replies

    Re: Purchase but no payment

    Hi guys,

    I've just had the same thing happen to me. Dead bidder with no response to email or payment reminders.

    My question is, after filing the NPB reports, do I still have to contact eBid...
Results 1 to 11 of 13
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