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Type: Posts; User: lofty100e

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  1. Replies

    Re: Holiday Greetings to All!

    I hope everyone has a good time.
  2. Replies

    Re: Email address Paypal possible fraud

    This situation has happened too many times for it to be a coincidence, if you take a look in the other fraud thread you will see many people that have had this happen to them.
  3. Re: A Couple of Questions About Royal Mail Tracked And Signed Service

    Thanks, although stamps aren't my thing I was convinced that I had seen some from Monaco in the past. If they come under France that would make sense, as as far as I know there is a similar...
  4. Replies

    Re: Message with MaO counter offer

    I agree Madelaine, particularly when you think of some of the abrupt and not far of rude messages that have been generated in the past by eBid , it would be good to be able to send your own...
  5. A Couple of Questions About Royal Mail Tracked And Signed Service

    Hi, As I was working through my new terms and conditions as I am opening up my items internationally; I thought it best to fully investigate the shipping option I have chosen.

    It is a good thing...
  6. Replies

    Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    At one time on eBid we had the power to stop image sharing in it's tracks - by watermarking our images. Mine were very noticeable, although partly transparent. It did not totally stop the problem,...
  7. Re: Paypal - available in The Chanel Islands & Isle of Man?

    Thanks for that Maelbrigda. I have not had any dealings with Jersey, although I am a long-time customer of 7dayshop who are based in Guernsey, and if I remember correctly I started off paying them...
  8. Re: Paypal - available in The Chanel Islands & Isle of Man?

    Thanks for that, I was fairly sure they would be lumped in with the UK, but with the arbitrary way that paypal operate I was not sure. I had checked the PP site with no luck.

    I am still in the...
  9. Paypal - available in The Chanel Islands & Isle of Man?

    Hi, I am upgrading my selling options and as I do it checking the places I intend selling to are served by paypal. However I can find no mention of The Chanel Islands or The Isle of Man; officially...
  10. Replies

    Re: 'Phantom Views' (?)

    It is a known fault, which presumably is fixable is anyone can be bothered. For as long as I have been associated with eBid (10+ years) the counters have been a total fiction, and are best ignored....
  11. Replies

    Re: Email address Paypal possible fraud

    If you worked for them would you poke your head up and go public on the incompetence. Maybe the staff want to keep their jobs and not "do a Ratner" as we call it in Britain....
  12. Re: PPPay.com not letting me complete payment for eBid purchase.

    The best way in my experience is to report it to the support team. On the PPPay site there is a tab for help which bounces you through to the eBid site. I sent a message to them and got a reply in...
  13. Replies

    Re: Americanisation of Categories

    This is probably far too sensible a suggestion to be adopted, however I will put it forward anyway.

    Where there are different spellings, both options should be in the pick-list but linked through...
  14. Bulk Edit, how to get multiple international options showing with the correct prices?

    Hi, I am editing my listings with the view to selling to foreign countries, but have come across a problem.

    First of all I added the European postage options, then checked every thing look fine. ...
  15. Replies

    Re: You Got To Be Kidding!

    You have to remember though as one of the glitterati, she won't be waiting hours for a bus that has no heating and travelling to an unheated building to work like the rest of us. I am sure she will...
  16. Replies

    Re: You Got To Be Kidding!

    That does not surprise me one bit, and just shows that some things have not changed much. A few years ago when someone named Diana Spencer came onto the royal radar, the British papers were having a...
  17. A Query About International Post Zones From UK

    Hi, My apologies for this, but my knowledge of world geography is not, and the map provided by Royal Mail is so vague that it is useless. Can anyone confirm for me please that Malaysia and Singapore...
  18. Replies

    Re: Google https Requirement?

    Thanks for the link Bill, I had thought that https was completely irrelevant to my site as it is merely a gateway to eBid which has encryption. Although having read a bit about it, I think it may be...
  19. Re: Close Listing Feature Changes if you Change Something Unrelated

    This may not be a glitch, it could be designed that way. With RUS listings you are required to log in every 90 days or the listings will shut down.

    Also RUS is the worst listing style you can use...
  20. Replies

    Re: Problems With Loading Photos To Gallery

    This sound similar to a problem we had sometime ago, what I did to view the photo was to press the back button then, go back to the page and the photo showed.
  21. Re: How to update to make the descriptions readable

    I may be wrong but from what I have read HTPPS is not really necessary on all websites. If you take financial details etc yes it is essential, but if you just have a normal log-in such as here on...
  22. Replies

    Re: Email address Paypal possible fraud

    I have to agree with you there, until it is a major financial inconvenience or until the news outlets - tv, radio, newspapers feature it as a problem they are unlikely to bother themselves with it.
  23. Replies

    Re: Email address Paypal possible fraud

    You are not alone, unfortunately this is an ongoing problem and it seems it will continue until paypal take it seriously. ...
  24. Replies

    Re: Listing Form: Messy Layout

    I have noticed this previously but it seems to be sporadic and unpredictable.

    I forgot to mention it also appears on the payment methods section.
  25. Thread: Adverts!!

    by lofty100e

    Re: Adverts!!

    I commented on them sometime ago, what annoyed me was that when a potential buyer had landed on my listing, the first thing they would see was a listing for a similar item from a "known" name, thus...
  26. Replies

    Re: Problems with variations.

    From what you tell us, you have 3 choices:

    Place your listings to comply with eBid rules, listing each with a different colour and size in the title and have a chance of selling something.
  27. Re: Repeat request for apostrophes in Store titles.

    Another Aye, not having them makes the site and users look illiterate.
  28. Replies

    Re: Problems with variations.

    From what you tell us, you have 3 choices:

    Place your listings to comply with eBid rules and have a chance of selling something
    Place numerous duplicate listings which break the rules and may...
  29. Replies

    Re: Google https Requirement?

    Hi, I am reluctantly looking for a photo-host, as from what Gazza has told us images hosted from snapagogo will not be usable on eBid unless hosted in the gallery. The problem is I will want to be...
  30. Does Anyone know of a reliable free open-source database?

    Hi, I keep track of my listings using an excel spreadsheet, but it grows it is getting a little clunky. I am wondering if a data base may suit my needs better.

    I do not have access to Mickysoft's...
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