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Type: Posts; User: Pendipity

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  1. Replies

    can't pay with pay pal

    I.m having problems paying with pay pal. when I click pay now it keeps coming up please try again later. I have no problems with pay pal for selling but its been a long time since I purchased...
  2. Well if its the latter then theres not much...

    Well if its the latter then theres not much chance of sorting it, I've tried contacting Google in the past and from that experience have got more chance of winning the lottery.

    I hope it gets...
  3. Thank you for that Astral & Kimbo. Thats strange,...

    Thank you for that Astral & Kimbo. Thats strange, I just searched for Gorbag and yes it is showing my seller ratings and, for me, it does match my store name? However, when I search for most of my...
  4. Ok, Who Nicked Me Google Seller Ratings & Stars?

    I am aware that Google Products has had a few glitches to date and was wondering if anyone else has lost their seller ratings & stars? Mine dont seem to have been showing for weeks now, my pen sales...
  5. Replies

    Its great that its been fixed but does anyone...

    Its great that its been fixed but does anyone know why my seeler ratings arnt showing. I used to have 55 ratings and 5 stars now they seem to have dissapeared?
  6. Thread: It works!

    by Pendipity

    thank you Kedo. Now it works (big smile).

    thank you Kedo. Now it works (big smile).
  7. Thread: It works!

    by Pendipity

    I have tried clicking on one of fishingmathsman's...

    I have tried clicking on one of fishingmathsman's links and that wont click either.
  8. Thread: It works!

    by Pendipity

    Thank you somersethedge. i have tried changing...

    Thank you somersethedge. i have tried changing the editor to html and repasting the link on my vintage spider brooch auction but it still wont click? i have never used the html so havnt a clue about...
  9. Thread: It works!

    by Pendipity

    Hi there all. Thanks for that fishingmathsman....

    Hi there all. Thanks for that fishingmathsman. I've coppied the buddy points link to my auctions now however, when I click on the link it does not appear to be working? Am I just being a numpty by...
  10. i'm still not getting any ebid emails. is this...

    i'm still not getting any ebid emails. is this still a problem with anyone else please?
  11. Hi this seems to be a reacurring problem. it has...

    Hi this seems to be a reacurring problem. it has happened several times since i have been using ebid.
  12. Replies

    I also have stopped offering pppay, for all the...

    I also have stopped offering pppay, for all the reasons above plus the charge for transferring funds to your bank. As ebid is the only place you can spend pppay funds I think it is important to be...
  13. Replies

    Deltadelta, excellent post I wholeheartedly agree.

    Deltadelta, excellent post I wholeheartedly agree.
  14. Thread: thanks

    by Pendipity

    Hi Mark and welcome. Selling on eBid is a little...

    Hi Mark and welcome. Selling on eBid is a little different than on the other site. I'm sure the very helpful regulars will come along soon with some good advice to help your sales along.
  15. I agree. I am not sure that i have seen the last...

    I agree. I am not sure that i have seen the last seen notice since the revamp? where is it hidden now?
  16. Pesonally I wouldnt like to see a time limit on...

    Pesonally I wouldnt like to see a time limit on run till solds, i use a lot of photos in my auctions, and some of my items can take a long while to sell, i would be continually paying for photos on...
  17. Replies

    Me too Kimbo, getting them after listing. have...

    Me too Kimbo, getting them after listing. have listed two items this morning and keep getting it.
  18. Replies

    That'll be it then :-) all the e**y escapees are...

    That'll be it then :-) all the e**y escapees are clogging up the system.
  19. Replies

    Ive posted the link for this thread to C.S....

    Ive posted the link for this thread to C.S. telling them that ebid is broken. they have replied very promply (bless em) but are asking for certain info that I cant give them! Poor unsuspecting...
  20. Replies

    Ive listed an item this morning, its not...

    Ive listed an item this morning, its not appearing either?
  21. Thread: Pictures??

    by Pendipity

    Awww, please dont say ebid is hopeless, its a...

    Awww, please dont say ebid is hopeless, its a great site :) I have never had a problem with photos on here and I use lots of pics.
  22. That is a so much easier to use way of messaging...

    That is a so much easier to use way of messaging why cant ebid use a similar method in the direct ebid messaging system?
  23. I have just found my forum pm system thingy after...

    I have just found my forum pm system thingy after 2 years of being on ebid :) Being the adventurous person that I am, it may take me another two years to use it to its full capacity but I have now...
  24. Ah yes, have just clicked on it :) so I can...

    Ah yes, have just clicked on it :)

    so I can put this link on my listings can I?
  25. would i be right in saying that this is the link...

    would i be right in saying that this is the link to my forum pm? http://meetup.ebid.net/member.php?u=496314
  26. Thank you, sounds a good idea, would it be...

    Thank you, sounds a good idea, would it be possible for you to explain how to do this please? bearing in mind i'm pretty useless with computer stuff :)
  27. Could we have an improved messaging system please?

    I find the messaging system on ebid quite a challenge as do some buyers I have heard from. I have to write some lenghty replies to questions and in such a small box it is so time consuming and I have...
  28. Replies

    well i have around ten points earned in a year....

    well i have around ten points earned in a year. so i may be in for a chance on the camera in about 6 or seven years, how longs left on the auction? :)
  29. Replies

    I've had a quick look at some of your auctions...

    I've had a quick look at some of your auctions and they seem to be good value and saleable items.

    I noticed that you dont have many search keywords in some of your titles, is there any way that...
  30. Replies

    me too...thank you clever kimbo :)

    me too...thank you clever kimbo :)
Results 1 to 30 of 202
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