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Thread: any spiritualist out there a medium`s job

  1. #21


    yes dexter that makes complete sense, your daughter friend was trying to warn her, and you are a very sentative person to be able to pick up people whom you meet and walk away from, you are listening to your gut feeling which we call intution.

  2. #22


    thanks rajah.i try to ignore it but every so offten it jumps me so to speak.to much the coward to pursue it.

    Reincarnation is just another repeat

  3. #23
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    i was a medium once now i`m xl

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele View Post
    No, I don't think that's it. What I experience is not a "feeling", it's not like Deja-vu at all. I actually fully describe a person or location that I have never experienced to someone who has and then find that the description matches their personal experience of that person or place. My descriptions sometimes include details that the other person hadn't even noticed before and had to check on to verify them.

    For example, on one occasion I was working with a carpet and vinyl flooring fitter. He had been to a job to measure up and had met the woman who lived their. The following week we were both driving to this woman's house when I started to describe her, the clothing she had worn when he met her, her attitude/personality, the room we were to work in (a kitchen, as it happens) and even the view out of the window. That was the bit which made no sense to my mate as I said I saw what looked like the sea, yet we were driving uphill and away from anywhere that had a sea view and he was sure he hadn't seen any water when he was there. It turned out that on the evening he had measured up the weather conditions and time of day were almost identical to those on the day we arrived to do the job. As afternoon turned to evening a low mist rolled in across the valley below her kitchen window. The mist looked just like water. So all that cannot possible be called a "feeling", it's more like mind-reading. <shrug>
    That just brings up to mind something that happens to me at times too. It's like being able to see through another person's eyes ...or sometimes just like a flash of what has been going through their minds...like a playback of their memory. I always believe that we are all connected, more so than we know...and that explanation has always been enough for me. lol
    Sorry, I know this is an old thread but I just got around to reading it.
    Wanted to add that more often than not, I have got these connections when chatting with friends or others online. So it's not neccessary to actually be close to others to pick up on what is going on for them or in their minds. I think it boils down to energy and when you are in front of a computer, your energy still comes through. I might be wrong, but it sounds good enough for me thus far. lol
    Last edited by summerdreams; 20th December 2008 at 02:48 AM.

  5. #25


    I don't consider myself to be a 'Medium' though I do have a very strong sense of things around me. I know for a fact that we have a spirit in our house. My husband has seen her several times and I have caught a glimpse and sensed her.
    Both my girls are 'sensatives' They've experienced strong feelings aboout things before they happen.
    I truly believe in an afterlife.

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