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Thread: Wedding Catergory

  1. #11


    I think it would be helpful if visitors could go to the Sell tab and then click on the categories listed to go to a list of subcategories. This would be helpful not just for wedding related items but for all items on the site. Whilst some visitors will know exactly what they are searching for and will type that into the search field, other visitors might like to have a browse through relevant categories to get ideas and might make impulse purchases based on what they find during their ‘leisure’ browsing. This might not be a big issue at present but is likely to become more relevant in the future as the number of listings on the eBid sites grows and visitors have to browse though long general lists which might have a lot of items they might not be interested in.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    I think it would be helpful if visitors could go to the Sell tab and then click on the categories listed to go to a list of subcategories. This would be helpful not just for wedding related items but for all items on the site. Whilst some visitors will know exactly what they are searching for and will type that into the search field, other visitors might like to have a browse through relevant categories to get ideas and might make impulse purchases based on what they find during their ‘leisure’ browsing. This might not be a big issue at present but is likely to become more relevant in the future as the number of listings on the eBid sites grows and visitors have to browse though long general lists which might have a lot of items they might not be interested in.
    Good idea. I spoke too soon with my earlier post because there are subcategories under books, you just can't see them until you actually click on the category/subcategory, then the further subcategories show on the left of the page.

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