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Thread: Booksellers. Why ...

  1. #61
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    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    I realize this thread is a bit old but I have a suggestion. A "Wanted" thread in the books section might not be a bad idea as there may be booksellers that have just what you are looking for but have not listed it. Anyway............I SOLD A BOOK TODAY!!!!! Had just about given up hope. So that makes 2 in the last 2 months. Really would love to see this site offer more books too and I for one am willing to list more. I've just been discouraged by the lack of sales but the sale this morning really motivated me. Good luck to all and those of you looking for books that are not listed here consider the "wanted" thread.


    Obscure titles, Homeschool, Painting & Drawing Books, Religion, and more. New
    titles added daily. From paperbacks to fine binding...

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  2. #62
    Forum Saint Juliebabe25's Avatar
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    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    I think ebid has quite a high percentage of its listings as books already
    I like books, but I think the percentage is too high (compared with other sites)
    Last edited by Juliebabe25; 25th April 2011 at 07:48 PM.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    Hi, RosaInGlousta here. My store is callled the Rose Garden and in the weeks to come I'm opening the Prose Garden where I will sell my used books--cookbooks, bestsellers, not-so-good sellers, fiction, non-fiction, very old, very new....

    Currently I have about 50 or more books on another venue (not feeBay), and I will be moving them from "the Ranch" to this auction site. I have lots and lots of books that I just haven't had time to put up for auction or sale. FYI, I used to sell on feeBay for years and the last idiotic rule about charging FVF on the shipping, too, did it for me--it was the last straw. So, here I am. I do believe that people are leaving the bay in droves.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    i have over 1000 books listed, and adding more, but I have less incentive than other things because they don't sell as fast as other items.

    I have more religion than any other category and tends to be my best seller.
    Rev Dr Bill Hopkinson,
    Retired professor


    around 50000 stamps listed, based in London

  5. #65

    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    There are a lot of books it's just that a majority are on subjects/by authors that are lame or most can careless about.

    Not to mention the fact that some people are deluded in what they think they should get for 10+ years old used paperbacks. Oh not just here, but on feebay as well.

    Just cause it says $7.99 on the cover and you paid that for it new doesn't mean other people will.

    It is used and now has cooties.

    Heck I won't even do it unless you are well below half. In your wildest dreams hope you get $1-$2. Cyberspace is amazing, Amazon ain't a half bad deal, and auctions are always around. Real auction mind you starting off a 1 to 99 cents with alright shipping.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    And for that reason I can't sell any books because shipping will be too high especially for International shipping...and for multiple items too...is going to round up very high end price for the each book...I rather selling light items from which I can offer low shipping and for International shipping too and top of that no extra charge for the shipping for multiple items Domestic and International......and probably for that reason I have many buyers....and by the way books is ok in my eyes but shipping charges in the future for any postal service will go up much more and will end that way of business in books a 100%....

  7. #67

    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    A 100%? Yeah right. Not when Kindles and such cost as much as a new paperback. Oh and to all those who do PDF eBooks in the US. You should really look up the cost of what you could be sue for if you get busted for if it is copyright infringement.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    I left the other side when they made their last "improvements" and I was selling about 15 books a day and had between 5-6k books in my store. They took so much though and once I did the math I couldn't justify working like a dog to make a couple of dollars a day. When I first opened up here I went crazy trying to list but was so burned out I shut down and took a break. I sold the bulk of my inventory to pay for my dogs vet bill (really) but kept the best and most interesting books (I think) and I will be listing them here at a slower pace. Slow and steady I've only sold one book so far but it took a while before I sold anything "over there" too. It seems you need quite a large inventory to sell consistently. I have all genres and am trying to include alot of information in all my listings. That's basically why it's taking so long. There is no information for any of the ISBNs I've been putting in so I have been spending alot of time filling those in. I've read in this thread that people can't find the books they are looking for here and I am going to try to remedy that. I will have some bestsellers but I find myself drawn to the lesser known books when I'm out searching the New England countryside for my inventory. I'm not ever going to get rich doing this but if I can buy a pizza every now and then I'm happy. I love books and I love getting books to where they are read and appreciated. My prices are low too so that's a good thing! One last thing, I looked here first when I was looking for a certain dvd and while I found one that was priced decent, the shipping was crazy. Big turn off for me and I didn't buy it here because of that. I don't mind paying for shipping and even a reasonable handling charge but some are ridiculous and nowhere near what it costs. oh well, just my little opinion.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    Well…is just my opinion…and look what happened with ‘’Borders book store’’…is not problem to order book for store, problem is peoples don’t buying much real book I mean in that numbers to keep operating for profit bookstores, peoples must buy real book in high numbers because every store has own bills and big creditors who every month with regular bills need to be paid…and that’s is the problem for regular retail store…so in future new real books will decline not tomorrow but its coming in the near future…anybody can see what happened for regular DVDs chains stores is gone, operating for monthly stores is very high people go digital order online and bummm…CREDITOR waiting every month to be paid so if you in this business you must sell very high number items….for older book many will go in digital transfer no questions about that and with in near future postal service rates will go up more and more and book is most of time very heavy…here we go…peoples just CAN’T keep with raising prices but in my opinion too peoples will still buy real books but problem is not many anymore can sell many in short time and from the rest of peoples who buying books many seller’s will have very hard time to stay selling this for profit or depend to make living from that…I think many will sell only couple in a month or a couple in months out of hundreds and hundreds or even thousand books…and any seller can’t stay and waiting to reach nice amount every month from selling this…now is just take much time for sell, take much living space in seller’s place, take much shipping charges from postal office…some people always will buy real book doesn’t matter how much is cost for shipping but this is not be enough for seller’s to stay comfortable in this business…new generation’s don’t like much ‘’old way of selling many stuff’’…and anybody can see…many go digital and buy book from that source…many watch the movie in own comp without going in the store or rent…and similar stuff…so who is in similar business will have hard time to find ‘’old way of selling’’ and find many buyers who still like that old way…but every day older peoples die new kids coming and new era in the selling business on any kind will decide ‘’fate’’ of many who are not keep up with changes…In the end I like real books but I look always real with no fantasy and look what is happening in here day to day…

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Booksellers. Why ...

    Yes Dzambo, all true. It is very sad for those of us who are real book lovers to see the demise of book selling for all the reasons mentioned, and the difficulty in sustaining it,
    BUT as a book lover myself (aswell as a seller, and I have MANY more to list still when I have my photography shop up and running) I still would pay those extra costs and shipping too. If for example YOU Dzambo have a book that is rare that I am after I would be willing to pay the shipping costs, as long as I got the book. I love reading them and also collect certain books, especially antique ones Im interested in. I managed to find a rare book from a seller on here recently, he was apologetic about the condition of the book before sending it and said it was worse that what he thought and if I didnt want to pay for it before he sent it off that was fine. I said no problem I still want it and paid him. I was more than happy just to get it at all, and looking forward to reading it so much, I wouldve repaired it myself, he wasnt asking a lot for it either. But when it arrived it was in better condition than I expected. I was very very happy all round!
    Its true all you say there Dzambo about the new generation not liking the old ways and they will change them, but still I will list books on here even if it is slow sales right now and they take up storage space.
    I do believe that the tide will turn again in the future with books and they will become more and more sought after, they are tomorrows history too. Just as I think records will become more and more sought after.

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