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Thread: A thought on advertising

  1. #11
    Forum Diehard
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    I have and I have,suggesting we band together with donating sales for x amount of time until we reach x amount of dollars for whatever charity or organization we would all deem worthy would be a huge undertaking.
    I am not saying this is the way to go but it could be a starting point

    You are better known in the uk than elsewhere so here in Canada specifically on my end as we do fundraisers 6-7 times a year for different hospitals and organizations form cystic fibrosis to charity golf tournaments where we auction off autographed sports memorabilia I could talk it over with my husband and maybe we can think of a way to
    1 put up an ebid banner at events
    2 donate our proceeds,that is our own cost as that is what the charity gets it for so whatever it sells for after that is theirs so if we give a charity a piece that costs us 400$ and it sells for 1200$ charity makes 800$ we could maybe donate some of our costs for a certain amount of items during the course of 2-3 events on behalf of ebid to that certain charity

    It certainly could not hurt and again I would have to talk this over with my husband but we do a lot of charity work ourselves so I do not think it would be an issue with him,the only problem I forsee is working out the details and making sure we would be allowed a banner to be placed somewhere so as it does not affect the charity banner,it would garner some attention of that I am sure

    Now where to find a banner and how to butter up the hubby lol.

    Our last event was for comedian joey elias who was making a dvd and we were asked to bring some items for auction purposes to raise money for cystic fibrosis it went quite well and that was about 5 months ago our next one is in 2 weeks,and after that we have a summer back to back golf tourney for cancer then chrons disease hopefully we can put something together by then as these do get some coverage by the media and if we throw the auction as donating part surley it would be good exposure

    Again just spitballing but I really am trying to find a way to spread the word of this place I was thinking of sticking my ebid t-shirt once it arrives for auction over there with the title brand new auction t shirt no fees no charges 1 size fits all or something like that but talked myslef out of it

    I am open to suggestions,the more input we get the more likely something will start to happen on a broader scale

    we all know what this site has to offer buyers and sellers,we have to find a way to reach those buyers and sellers who do not look for other options than what they are used to,the ones who do not look at what auction sites are running #1,2,3 etc the ones who are content in their discontent(that make sense)to sit back and think their are no other alternatives. those are the ones we have to get on

    Again just my 2 cents and I am sure to hear from a wide array of folks who think this would not work.
    How many members do we have on here,let's just say that 60% of them print up a pre set up flyer and post 10 of them each in their busiest mall shopping centre what have you if 1 of each of those 10 gets looked at seriously good start,if that 1 that got looked at brings in a member better start,if that member brings along others even better

    I have flyers that I printed up and have them all over the place promoting ebid as a great place to set up,

    Again these are just thoughts and ideas and would love to hear some more.



  2. #12
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    Depends... isn't there a minimum financial threshold for them to take an interest?
    A young girl goes on the game to pay her college fees. Comes back after the first night with £60.10 in earnings. 'Good grief!!!' ,exclaims her flatmate, 'Who gave you the 10p?'

    'They all did' was the tired reply.

  3. #13
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Cazza, you could almost certainly improve things by changing your listings from run till sold, which keeps them at the bottom of the listings all the time. Other hints to be found on Ways to promote ebid and your stores

    Laura, the idea of donating has been suggested dozens of times. It won't work.

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  4. #14
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    Maybe have a read of these threads, which made up part of a charity exercise undertaken last year.


    Just for an taste (groan ) of what's been done in the past, and how it unfolded.

  5. #15
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    Those were good ideas,but I am talking about doing somehting off site where I can set up a banner at a charity function that I participate and bring the items to sell anyhow and the half of whatever our cost is on any given items that sell can be donated on behalf of ebid.This would certainly reach a whole whack of folks who do not know of it's existence.
    I already have plans for when we do our card shows as there are 5-10 000 people there 3 days running,over our booth we will have a banner promoting ebid,it's free selling buying aspect and a feel free to ask questions so I can inform anyone who wishes to know more about the site,granted I am new here and will need some research but it seems pretty cut and dry
    If we can go off site to promote that is where I think it will be most beneficial do we have access to bumper stickers of ebid I can see it now
    tired of getting raked by other auction sites,ebid free to list,sell,buy

    Sorry but I got all sorts of ideas running rampant through my brain and am afraid the hamster in there may tire quickly if I don't slow down.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by JudesNiceThings View Post
    Wholeheartedly agree with you!

    Me too. And just think about this, everyday there are 3.2 MILLION items on google that are marked EBID.NET, that advertise our things and advertise EBID.NET too. That is why the sales are picking up. How is that for getting the message out?

    In fact I suspect it is so successful that feebay is starting little games to get in on the action (remember feebay does NOT download to google, sellers have to do that themselves). Go on google, google ebid, and you will find crazy little "EBID" sites that take you right to feebay items. How clever is that of our competition?

  7. #17
    Forum Master TonyBridger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deltadelta48 View Post
    remember feebay does NOT download to google, sellers have to do that themselves)
    Sorry you are wrong. They do upload to Google. All my auctions are regularly uploaded by eBay.
    My posts only state my own opinions, unless I've stolen them from someone else

  8. #18
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    I just did a few random google searches and they all show up as being listed for sale over there,usually at the top

  9. #19
    Forum Master foxescome's Avatar
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    Sorry you are wrong. They do upload to Google. All my auctions are regularly uploaded by eBay

    Mine too... and usually above my eBid ones

    But f I do a 'low to high price' eBid ones are top as my items are lower priced on eBid

    I appreciate you enthusiasm and ideas LAUR74 - keep 'em rolling in

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  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by LAUR74 View Post
    Those were good ideas,but I am talking about doing somehting off site where I can set up a banner at a charity function that I participate and bring the items to sell anyhow and the half of whatever our cost is on any given items that sell can be donated on behalf of ebid.This would certainly reach a whole whack of folks who do not know of it's existence.
    I already have plans for when we do our card shows as there are 5-10 000 people there 3 days running,over our booth we will have a banner promoting ebid,it's free selling buying aspect and a feel free to ask questions so I can inform anyone who wishes to know more about the site,granted I am new here and will need some research but it seems pretty cut and dry
    If we can go off site to promote that is where I think it will be most beneficial do we have access to bumper stickers of ebid I can see it now
    tired of getting raked by other auction sites,ebid free to list,sell,buy

    Sorry but I got all sorts of ideas running rampant through my brain and am afraid the hamster in there may tire quickly if I don't slow down.
    Do you mean we donate items to you then you go off to the charity and sell them for us and then half given to charity and rest back to us? What happens if they don't sell and have to be sent back to us? I am thinking costs here if they have to be returned half way around the world.

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