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Thread: Bird Flu - Enforced quarantine

  1. #21
    Forum Master earthangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    Volcano erruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, mud slides, lightning caused fires, tornadoes .........
    All these things are within man's power to trigger or duplicate.
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    "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy" - Henry Kissinger

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    Volcano erruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, mud slides, lightning caused fires, tornadoes .........
    RRrrrrr, okay, okay!
    You know what I meant!

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    Lots of bed rest, scantily clad nurses and a couple of beers. You'll be right in no time.
    Y'know, I suggested the exact same remedy to Mrs M. She wasn't impressed......

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    Time for the IFs.

    IF this thing hits,
    IF you or you family get infected,
    IF you are forced to stay home,

    how will you survive?

    Would you have enough supplies to last for up to a month?
    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele

    I wonder if the government have plans to ensure everyone has access to food or prescription medicines?
    If they enforced a stay at home thingy then in theory (notice I say in theory.... ) they would deliver food/medicines ect.
    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele

    How do you feel about the prospect of being a prisoner in your own home?
    Sounds good to me!
    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele

    Does the government have a right to keep you confined?
    Given the choice of walking down the cold street and being coughed upon by someone or staying in my nice warm house.... hmmm.. hard choice!
    How would they inforce it though? Armed soilders down every street to make sure we stay at home? One way to keep the forces away from Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan ect ect
    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele

    Would you voluntarily stay at home anyway?
    My kids have already been told that at the first sign of it mutation to the human form no-one leaves this house! If they leave they ain't coming back in again! lol
    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele

    What do you think?
    I'd be more worried about being forced to take Tamiflu!
    I would rather be made to stay at home than go to some large warehouse type place with lots of other people until they decided I wasn't infected!

    I am not worrying too much about it at the moment.. I normally have enough food and water in the house to keep us going... but I do try to keep an eye on the news... although at the moment I have had the kids of ill so haven't been able to watch much.. has there been a confirmed case in the UK yet??

  5. #25


    I had to laugh. DEFRA has been asking all of us with free range birds to get ready to keep them confined under cover. I said from the word go that confining the birds would lead to a higher risk of them getting infections of any kind.
    In France they have had an outbreak amongst turkeys. These birds were raised in a commercial hatchery, and have spent all of their lives under cover. There has never been a chance for an infected duck, goose or swan to fly over, poop on them, and infect them. So how did they catch the disease?
    In a few days newly hatched pheasants will be arriving from France. DEFRA has not banned their import, nor the import of chickens or turkey poults. The last outbreak of Newcastles Disease was from French imported pheasants.
    We have enough hatcheries in this country to provide wall to wall pheasants if required, so why are the imports being allowed? Probably we are not allowed to ban them because the EEC says we can't.

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