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View Poll Results: Is plasticasprin a troll

27. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    6 22.22%
  • Most definatly Yes

    5 18.52%
  • Without a doubt Yes

    16 59.26%
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Thread: Is Plasticasprin a troll

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by discotex
    If people think Plastic is a troll,then why are they so
    fascinated ?
    Doesnt everybody always say "Dont feed the troll " ?
    People react because they love it !
    They love the aggravation and frankly it livens up an otherwise boring place !
    You know Im right !
    Everyone on these threads is a stirrer !
    Maybe people love it, maybe they dont im sure they dont really care nor do they think about it all that much lol. You obviously seem to have given it a lot of thought and consideration

    Its quite interesting how you always jump in to defend plastic, you should be careful though. If your head gets much further up her ar$e we will have trouble telling where you end and she begins!

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Petesmovies4auction
    Maybe people love it, maybe they dont im sure they dont really care nor do they think about it all that much lol. You obviously seem to have given it a lot of thought and consideration

    Its quite interesting how you always jump in to defend plastic, you should be careful though. If your head gets much further up her ar$e we will have trouble telling where you end and she begins!
    Yes just like you with Les Dawson Paintyjane.
    Must be your mother !
    You need a drink !
    You are one boring individual !
    Least you get to stroke your dog, Rolf !
    Simple Pete and his didgeridoo lol !

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by discotex
    By the way !
    Did the person who started this thread omit the "no" answer
    as they were afraid that the thread would prove them wrong ?
    Looks that way !
    Very Saddamesque way of conducting things !

    I omited the no part of the poll as to wind plasticasprin up as they are always winding everyone else up on this forum. As for the Saddamesque quote, I dont remember holding a gun to anyones head and forcing them to vote.

    I dont have an axe to grind with you Discotex I was just having a laff at plastics expense.
    I can only make one person happy per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by discotex
    No !
    And I care not a jot what you think of me !
    You having a laugh ?
    You`re too nasty for that dear !
    I dont think you understand the meaning of the word nasty. Nasty would be like calling someone a morbid repugnant old cow with a face like a smacked ar$e . Which is not what i am calling you. I am never nasty and i rarely swear, it was you i believe who had said about mounting dogs and fingering a dogs anus

    I just thought we were having a bit of fun with witty come backs, since we both said goodnight and all last night? I didnt know we were actually supposed to hate one another? I certainly dont hate you!

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Petesmovies4auction
    I dont think you understand the meaning of the word nasty. Nasty would be like calling someone a morbid repugnant old cow with a face like a smacked ar$e . Which is not what i am calling you. I am never nasty and i rarely swear, it was you i believe who had said about mounting dogs and fingering a dogs anus

    I just thought we were having a bit of fun with witty come backs, since we both said goodnight and all last night? I didnt know we were actually supposed to hate one another? I certainly dont hate you!
    You dont know what I look like so any slanging would
    be like water off a ducks back ! So imagine away !

  6. #46


    I found it amusing rather than annoying. Why are you so cross, Disco? You (almost) gave as good as you got.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by discotex
    You dont know what I look like so any slanging would
    be like water off a ducks back ! So imagine away !
    I dont want to though! I thought it was just a bit of fun

    If i had known it was serious i would have pointed out i dont even own a dog But i let it seem like i did because it was funny!
    Last edited by Petesmovies4auction; 10th May 2006 at 07:28 PM.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by paintinglemonjane
    I feel sorry so for you. Your really must be a very sad, lonely individual to have to resort to abusive remarks and innuendo's to get your kicks. You are really bordering on the defamation bit here and don't think that because you are using the forums, with a user name, that nobody can find out who you really are.
    There are always ways. Some you probably wouldn't have even thought of. So I would be very careful sunshine. You are going too far. There is privacy and then there is PRIVACY and you are just using it to abuse the system.
    You`re the sad one dear!
    Trying to marshall the forum !
    Defamation !!!
    Dont make me laugh !!
    Check your back posts and then talk legal threats !!
    Investigate away ! You have my blessing !
    You`re like a kid who`s stamping its feet because
    everyone wont roll over and let you win !
    Tough !

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by maggiethecat
    I found it amusing rather than annoying. Why are you so cross, Disco? You (almost) gave as good as you got.
    Im not cross at all !
    I give as good as I got and bettered it !

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Petesmovies4auction
    I dont want to though! I thought it was just a bit of fun

    If i had known it was serious i would have pointed out i dont even own a dog But i let it seem like i did because it was funny!
    I don't even know why you are bothering to explain Pete We all realise that, but you are talking to one sick puppy who only seems to enjoy the nasty side of things. They will go away after they have got fed up and you won't see them for a while and then pounce back in again, when you least expect it. You have lost their sense of "fun" now because you want to shake and make friends with them. Sorry to disillusion you but they will not do that. You are no longer in their book "fun" any more.

    I would hardly call what went on on these forums the last few days fun. "Sick" maybe and "off the wall" but certainly not funny but then that is only my opinion.

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