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Thread: Fed Up With This!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Angry Fed Up With This!!!!!!!!!!!

    Every time I look at the home page, it is filled with illegal fake/replica goods.
    And what REALLY gets to me is that whenever I report them, they NEVER get removed. I have reported them to GAZZA, support & the report button. Nothing EVER gets done.
    It make this site look like its filled with cheap, fake TAT.
    Whats the point in people like me trying to clean up this place and reccommending new members if the bosses dont seem to care that this place is full of ILLEGAL rubbish.

    I think that everyone who wants rid off this rubbishshould close their auctions untill gazza starts bucking his ideas up.
    I am off to close ALL my auctions....... I suppose I will be alone in this one.
    But I am just sick of seeing all these fake goods running ebid.
    Last edited by ladylauraac; 19th September 2006 at 08:12 PM.

  2. #2


    Ok, Thats nearly 500 of my auctions now closed. Is anyone else going to take a stand???

  3. #3


    & I bet the sellers are not REG'D WITH THE INLAND REVENUE.


    Sorry, ill shut up about that ( well, ill keep it in one thread )

  4. #4


    Looks like i'm alone in this then. Has noboby else got the balls to do something about all the illegal fakes on here?

  5. #5


    Not getting at you. I just annoys me that a load of members moan about all the fakes on here, but when it come to the crunch, they dont want to do anything about it.

    When it comes to standing up for something, all your mates naff off.
    Well my auctions are staying closed then.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by ladylauraac View Post
    Looks like i'm alone in this then. Has noboby else got the balls to do something about all the illegal fakes on here?

    I must have pressed the button on nearly every fake/replica they have got on here and I was told by support that they have a company who monitors their site for fakes/replicas and they say everything is fine. They are quite happy with the info they get from this company apparently. Who am I to say otherwise.
    I have even told them that they have all been reported to trading standards. Which they have. What else would you like me to do.
    I am certainly not going to close my auctions because of them. That would be cutting my nose off to spite my face. Ladylauralac. I really don't see any point to that do you. I have had the balls to face up to these people by doing this, I feel I have done my part. I don't see how closing my auctions is going to solve anything, especially for myself, as I am only selling my own products.

    Store open again
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  7. #7


    so your answer is to just give up, and let this site become worse???????

  8. #8


    No! but if I was relying on selling my goods for a living. I don't see how starving would be a solution. What would you put on my epitaph. More to the point, who would know.
    I did not say I was giving up. I am saying that there is more than one way of doing things, that's all.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Store open again
    For Portraits in Pastels, Watercolour and Graphite Pencil.
    For beautiful hand made Greeting Cards
    For Collectors Dolls
    Quality Secondhand Books
    Fine Jewellery and Costume Jewellery

  9. #9


    Well tell me the other ways then?? Reporting them does nothing.
    Even reported the sellers to gazza...... who does nothing.
    I am not being nasty. I just want to know if anyone has a better idea?
    Because I dont want to see this site filled with cheap replicas everyday. Its getting right up my nose.

  10. #10


    The Rolex site specifically states that their watches are not sold on the Internet, so these must be Fakes. Since trading standards can shut down market traders, I wonder if they can do the same to a website, if so the boys had better get things sorted smartish. I assume eBay would be in the same boat.

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    and check out my other stores

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