....but not in here.
I have just been reading Jarremachine's 'muslim' thread. Such spirituality and love has never shone so bright!. The real classy part has to be when someone threw their toys out of the pram and closed the thread because people were slagging people off because of their colour and race instead of their religion.

And the qoute of the week award goes to......

"Well, I did start the thread pointing to the difference between "true-by-the-book (the Koran) Muslims and the violent "muslims"

This said by someone who had already said they had never read the Koran. So how do they know what, if any, the difference is?
That's what I like about the KT .... speak first and think .......never? Well only if I really have to and can I drink a couple of bottles of something first in case it all starts to make sense or something.

( And just in case this is all getting a bit too serious I have put in a cople of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors so you can take the p*** out of them instead)

Love and peace to all