hello everyone im a newbie on ebid so bear with me. has anyone heard of a blog before? well if not then i'll explain. its a place where you can write down any thoughts you might have or just talk about daily things or on a subject you really enjoy or even write about things you think other people might be interested in. me and my partner do blogs on cars. we have got a classic car blog and a blog all about fords. it ranges from old fords to new ones and all the lastest info on the new fords due for release, also any info about fords in general and the classic car blog is all about,well classic cars.we have got the e-type jag and the mustang.if you would like some info on any car and we havent put it on yet please drop ou a line and we can do that for you.
please visit our sites below and have a good look around and please come back to us and tell us what you think of our blogs.


ok thanx ros and dave at icedata