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Thread: Aggresive uk advertising

  1. #1

    Default Aggresive uk advertising

    eBay has pulled the plug on Auctiva leaving them with half there revenue, down by 50% ,it would appear that they went into a calculated panick and increased listings etc to cover their losses, so it would seem there customers have said " that it's down tools and evacuate Auctiva ".
    WAKEY WAKEY eBID.. now is the time for an AGGRESIVE ADVERTISING CAMPIAN in the UK where millions of eBayers are waiting and looking for a site like eBid, BUT THEY DONT KNOW YOU ( eBid ) EXSIST'S. People I have spoken to in my area shrug there shoulder's and say " but you dont sell anything on that site " NOBODY KNOWS WHO, WHERE, WHAT, HOW, OR WHAT TERRIFIC OFFERS YOU HAVE. eBid you should be able to cover your expenditure within months.
    I would be very intersted to here from eBid with there views in this matter, there may be good reasons why .. to my questions. Hope to hear from you in the near future

  2. #2


    I've suggested on an earlier thread that any auctiva members on here take the matter into their own hands and educate via their forum.

    Of course like the "other" forum" you get heckled, people propagate the usual misinformation about eBid etc..

    One reply to my suggestion that eBid provide all ( well most) of the Auctiva functionality for free was " eBid has nothing, absolutely nothing at all with Auctiva"

    THINKS 1st Missed the point 2nd Thankfully 3rd Yep it's totally not controlled by e*a* !!

    Another comment was saying yes but that doesn't help sellers on e*a*
    THINKS 1st Missed the point 2nd Thankfully 3rd Wake up & walk away

    Those that still have accounts get on the*a* forums and join in the ridiculing of their new imposed postage policies ( as in no choice) Again - drop in the not too subtle hints about where the grass is actually greener.

    Surprisingly on there I've had a mixed reaction so far - an improvement.... hint of sellers waking up to the situation over there.

    In both cases, you always get the loud voices who will defend 100% fees if they tried that, but you know there are going to be some people thinking quietly reading the posts and thinking enough is enough.

    As the OP said it is an opportunity for eBid again to exploit the crazy (but thinly disguised efforts to pull back money they gave Auctiva pulling their affiliation agreement AND take their 10% FVF share from the Postage that must now obviously be built into the listing price)

    All this sounds like desperation... Perhaps they are sinking faster than we think?

    I'm prepared to stick the knife in

    et tu eBid ?? ( is this correct ???)

  3. #3


    So how are you advertising, OP?
    Why not take a quick look at my Stores?

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  4. #4
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    All this sounds like desperation... Perhaps they are sinking faster than we think?
    Do I look like I care one iota?

  5. #5



    I don't care about them. A near monpoly like them shouldn't exist enabling them to do whatever they please.

    In this current climate with previously "solid" companies crashing to the ground, there is no guarantee they won't suffer the same fate. It is amusing to see what is happening. Auction sites are a great idea. They found it too easy to grow as it was so popular.Money must have been pouring in to the extent that they didn't really have to manage it.

    When it suddenly started to stall, panic set in & now it's exposed that the people that run it haven't a clue
    The survival tactic seems to be extracting increasing fees from the people hanging in there, but inevitably frightening them off. They forgot their core business some time ago - the private sellers and the bargain hunters

    When you consider they offer a free private listing for 99p with free gallery pic ( sorry if that sounds like a plug - quickly read the rest !!!!!)
    10% FVF -10p
    p*yp*l 20p + 3.5p
    now free postage at least 47p + packaging and time and expense going to post office....

    Well lthey haven't thought this through obviously, there might be a penny or 2 left they can still have

    That's it, ignore the fact that the item is worth something to the seller, They want to give it away don't they? Better than giving it to the charity shop - give it away on e*a* or to e*a* even

    Oops forgotten the point I was trying to make. The fall of this giant would make way hopefully for a range of more competitive sites, that rely on service, fair % ages and novel sensible policies to attract their users (posssibly somehwre like here)

  6. #6
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    I'm just glad I got out when I did and even then it was a bloomin nightmare with all the quick changes going on and even more restrictions.


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