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Thread: Another Ebay deserter

  1. #11

  2. #12


    Hello and Welcome!!

    You will find this site slower than feebay, and you will probably have to work a bit harder, but it is a much more pleasant environment, and many of us have a common bond in that we have all given up on feebay - others still sell on there, so we don't slag it off, or those still using it. (I'm not any more either)

    If ever you have a problem, come straight to the forums - if we can't sort it, we will know someone who can - we all started at the bottom!

    Good luck on eBid!
    Why not take a quick look at my Stores?

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  3. #13


    Gee, that sounds familiar! Welcome to ebid, we are a friendly group and it is a great site to sell on.

    Might I suggest:

    Read forums, there are about 20 tips for selling on ebid that will get you started. if you have any questions, ask on the forums and someone is sure to know answer.

    Link your website to ebid (via a button, reference or both). That way people can shop on your website and check your things out on ebid (you can NOT advertise your website on ebid)

    List a variety of items, variety of prices, give discount shipping for multiple items and have a sale (advertise via the banner). That gets you noticed.

    Buy on ebid, which will increase your feedback too.

    FYI: in the US, some people are going to file a class action suit against feebay and its suspension policies. There are a lot of us. Might not apply to UK people, but just in case, we were told to save our paperwork, emails, etc, AND add up how much the suspension cost you personally. Watch the forums for info (this suit could take years to settle in court).

    Good luck on ebid!

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by tonyreddevil View Post
    Yes Sales Very Slow

    Do ya think????

    " Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn't. "
    Ben Franklin




  5. #15


    Welcome EmpireBargans, this is the friendlest and the most helpful place to be. My sales are slow [ except for ydc]. But, I don't have a whole lot listed. I hope ebid turns out to be a great experience for you...

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