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Thread: Ebid not making the most of its resources

  1. #1

    Default Ebid not making the most of its resources

    I think when you sign up, for the seller option only as well as the seller plus option. All auction items should be up loaded to Google and should also include a buy it now price. I am de-cluttering in order to move. My hobby was electronics, over the years I have collected thousands of parts which I list on this site and others but not Ebay, in one year I have sold only one item on Ebid compared with several hundred on other sites. I am aware that if I pay I get greater visibility and greater options it is also fine if you have big tag items with a large profit margin or a damaged item where you want several photo of the damage. I tend to look at the item and contact the seller and get the full picture rather than look at a few photos and a brief discription. Whose going to write a pictorial thesis on a small value item?

    I look at it in the light as a seller only I only pay when an item is sold and the more I sell on this site the more Ebid makes and the less inital capital I hxve to lay out even if I do get a free T shirt.

    If Ebid does not maximise all sellers’ items and they just sit on the site week after week it might be good propaganda for Ebid to shout out how many auctions they have running but it would be better to shout out their turn over.

    For me I will still use Ebid as it is another string to my bow although for me it has been a waste of my time and their bandwidth , as it is more of a back of the shop venue rather than a front window display

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by cheap2clear View Post
    For me I will still use Ebid as it is another string to my bow although for me it has been a waste of my time and their bandwidth , as it is more of a back of the shop venue rather than a front window display
    I'm inclined to agree. I look at eBid at the moment as a stock room for my auctions which I'm gradually updating, and which I will use as a springboard for selling on other venues too, including the great evil one when I have auctions of sufficient interest and value that they will sell the first time and for reasonable money. After all, how long does it take to copy and paste a chunk of html once you've done it the first time, an auction can be transferred and copied to any venue very easily.

    I can then direct those other customers to here, where they will find lesser priced stock and greater choice. I'm collecting and registering on other auction sites at the moment to get ready to start listing full time at the start of August.

  3. #3


    You are right cut an paste makes is simple to multi list on sites. I had kept loyal to eBid for many years, not needing to keep my eggs in other baskets (so as to speak) until they started to tell me what method of payment I had to accept , the hoops I had to jump through, assisting sellers to shill by the use of bidder 1-2-3 and so on, assisting buyers to defraud the seller with charge back and never listening to the seller (who actually is their customer) and always falling on the side of the buyer.

    As a lot of the free ad sites put your listing at the top and it works its way down
    I now attach a ping file to my ad and devised a program that after a week it deletes the ad and refreshes it as a new one at the top of the list but most of the time it never gets there ans is sold unless I have several of the same component and then it is a cut and paste job.
    I would however prefer to use one site and remain loyal so profit and pleasure may be the result,
    Last edited by cheap2clear; 13th July 2009 at 11:00 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Master FBNeNotes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheap2clear View Post
    You are right cut an paste makes is simple to multi list on sites. I had kept loyal to eBid for many years, not needing to keep my eggs in other baskets (so as to speak) until they started to tell me what method of payment I had to take, the hoops I had to jump through, assisting sellers to shill by the use of bidder 1-2-3 and so on, assisting buyers to defraud the seller with charge back and never ilstening to the seller (who actually is their customer) and always falling on the side of the buyer. as a lot of the free ad sites put your listing at the top and it works its way down
    I now attach a ping to my ad and devised a program that after a week it deletes the ad and refreshes it as a new one at the top of the list.
    I would however prefer to use one site and remain loyal so profit and pleasure may be the result,
    loyal to eBid????????? didn't you mean feebay.

  5. #5


    I meant any selling platform operator where there was mutual respect with it's customer who it is providing the service of displaying the seller’s goods in a clear and visiable and cost effective manner
    Last edited by cheap2clear; 13th July 2009 at 11:09 AM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by cheap2clear View Post
    I think when you sign up, for the seller option only as well as the seller plus option. All auction items should be up loaded to Google and should also include a buy it now price. I am de-cluttering in order to move. My hobby was electronics, over the years I have collected thousands of parts which I list on this site and others but not Ebay, in one year I have sold only one item on Ebid compared with several hundred on other sites. I am aware that if I pay I get greater visibility and greater options it is also fine if you have big tag items with a large profit margin or a damaged item where you want several photo of the damage. I tend to look at the item and contact the seller and get the full picture rather than look at a few photos and a brief discription. Whose going to write a pictorial thesis on a small value item?

    I look at it in the light as a seller only I only pay when an item is sold and the more I sell on this site the more Ebid makes and the less inital capital I hxve to lay out even if I do get a free T shirt.

    If Ebid does not maximise all sellers’ items and they just sit on the site week after week it might be good propaganda for Ebid to shout out how many auctions they have running but it would be better to shout out their turn over.

    For me I will still use Ebid as it is another string to my bow although for me it has been a waste of my time and their bandwidth , as it is more of a back of the shop venue rather than a front window display
    Google will only accept items with a BuyNow price, so eBid cannot upload standard auctions from Seller Level members, only platinum ones.

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    Google will only accept items with a BuyNow price, so eBid cannot upload standard auctions from Seller Level members, only platinum ones.
    So Ebid should make it possible for those who choose to be a seller only be able to use buy it now, (the higher the visibility the higher the sales and the more Ebid gets in FVF) If some one thinks by paying for prestige of a platinum, gold or silver seller make them a better seller they are falling for the oldest marketing trick in the book, vanity if their business acumen is such that they warrant those honours they should not be on sites like this but in a primary trading position in the high street
    Last edited by cheap2clear; 13th July 2009 at 12:42 PM.

  8. #8
    Forum Diehard banrigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheap2clear View Post
    So Ebid should make it possible for those who choose to be a seller only be able to use buy it now, (the higher the visibility the higher the sales and the more Ebid gets in FVF) If some one thinks by paying for prestige of a platinum, gold or silver seller make them a better seller they are falling for the oldest marketing trick in the book, vanity if their business acumen is such that they warrant those honours they should not be on sites like this but in a primary trading position in the high street
    You only pay for the Seller+ once. It is more cost effective. Show me another auction site that will do that for less.

  9. #9


    The one off payment of, correct me if I am wrong is £ 49.99 in the UK and only $ 49.99 in the USA, is beside the point, if you, as a seller wish to pay that because you think it’s a bargain, so be it, .I would have thought under those circumstances Ebid would be loosing thousands of pounds in lost FVF, and would be only to glad, to up load, to who to whoever will host them for free, in order to maximise the seller only items, as the more that is sold via the site the higher eBids profit in FVF will be. I would rather have a $1000 in FVF rolling in week after week than a one off lump sum of $49.99. Perhaps the powers to be thought with an offer like that they would tempt the bulk of dissatisfied eBay users but that does not seem to have happened as many have found alternative selling platforms and not come on to Ebid.
    Last edited by cheap2clear; 13th July 2009 at 02:16 PM.

  10. #10


    Ask yourself how long it would take you to run up a bill of 49.99 on Greedbay, plus of course their 10% FVF's whereas eBid is a modest 2% for a Gallery listing. Didn't take me long to make up the 49.99. A signature link to your listings in your forum posts might also get a few more people looking.

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