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Thread: What A Mighty God we Serve!

  1. #501


    well all being well in about 1 hours time I will be taking Maple for a last Chemo... Alright I admit we also have to see the doctor to find out when her Radiotheapy starts but hopfull we will have a few weeks break before it starts.....

    Will give a full update tomorrow

  2. #502
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    We stand in agreement with all prayers mentioned by Peggy, including somersethedge getting updates 2morrow and that the family receives strength & full restoration during this rest period between treatments. Amen.

  3. #503


    sorry folks but to save me typing it all out again here is the latest on Maple


  4. #504
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Raindropsies and her family - Personal Problems
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer and upcoming double valve replacement.
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Problem
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    Grammas Niece Julie - Drug Problem
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer with surgery scheduled for April 6th. Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Major health issues.
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sofia's niece - Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor - Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal troubles
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, COPD and Diabetes

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Jackie - Her husband Brad is now taking treatments every 3 months instead of every 6 weeks.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has decided to make the most of his unemployment and join the ranks of entrepeneurs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Sofia's niece - She is doing better. They did a tracheotomy on her and have removed all the tubes from her mouth. Though she is not able to get voice out yet she can mouth words and is asking about family members. They are starting some rehab by moving her legs.

    Dear Lord, I am thankful to get the update on Pam and you see the help that Somerset and Pam need from the trials and struggles they are going through.They are needing relief from the illness as well as the financial burden they are in and being refused help from their government. Bless Gramma and ease her pain so she can bless this thread with her love and encouragement. Be with John as he is recovering from his surgery and getting ready to start the chemo treatments. Father, you know all our needs and I find mine are really so minor when I look at the needs of others. I can really agree with the title of the thread as I truly do serve a MIGHTY GOD who knows all needs whether they be physical or spiritual and I leave them in Your control. Thank you for accepting me as one of Your children and giving me a special peace. You said where two or three are gathered together You would be there too and there are many joining in prayer for those on this prayer chain and I ask You join with us hearing our prayers and answer them according to Your will. Amen
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  5. #505
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Hi All,

    I thought I would share my devotion study for today by Oswald Chambers. We all seem to have our share of tests and trials of different kinds and I pray that our faith will stand. I have included the KJV of his scripture references at the end.

    Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a commonsense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense. In fact, they are as different as the natural life and the spiritual. Can you trust Jesus Christ where your common sense cannot trust Him? Can you venture out with courage on the words of Jesus Christ, while the realities of your commonsense life continue to shout, "It’s all a lie"? When you are on the mountaintop, it’s easy to say, "Oh yes, I believe God can do it," but you have to come down from the mountain to the demon-possessed valley and face the realities that scoff at your Mount-of-Transfiguration belief (see Luke 9:28-42 ). Every time my theology becomes clear to my own mind, I encounter something that contradicts it. As soon as I say, "I believe ’God shall supply all [my] need,’ " the testing of my faith begins ( Philippians 4:19 ). When my strength runs dry and my vision is blinded, will I endure this trial of my faith victoriously or will I turn back in defeat?

    Faith must be tested, because it can only become your intimate possession through conflict. What is challenging your faith right now? The test will either prove your faith right, or it will kill it. Jesus said, "Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me" Matthew 11:6 ). The ultimate thing is confidence in Jesus. "We have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end . . ." ( Hebrews 3:14 ). Believe steadfastly on Him and everything that challenges you will strengthen your faith. There is continual testing in the life of faith up to the point of our physical death, which is the last great test. Faith is absolute trust in God— trust that could never imagine that He would forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5-6 ).

    Luke 9:28-42
    And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.
    And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.
    And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias:
    Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.
    But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.
    And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.
    While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.
    And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
    And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen.
    And it came to pass, that on the next day, when they were come down from the hill, much people met him.
    And, behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child.
    And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him.
    And I besought thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not.
    And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you? Bring thy son hither.
    And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his father.

    Philippians 4:19
    But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    Matthew 11:6
    And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

    Hebrews 3:14
    For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;

    Hebrews 13:5-6
    Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
    Deut 31:6,8 Joshua 1:5
    So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
    Psa 118:6

    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  6. #506
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Prayers for all that God will bless your Labor Day weekend.

    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  7. #507
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somersethedge View Post
    sorry folks but to save me typing it all out again here is the latest on Maple


    Hats off to the two of you. Remain strong, and may the strength of the LORD shine into your sphere of existence. You both remain in my thoughts and prayers. ~Ava~

  8. #508
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, C.O.P.D. and Diabetes
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Sofia - Her Son found a job.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Grammas husband Brad - is now taking treatments every 6 months instead of every 3 Months and his double valve replacement turned out to be Pulmonary Hypertension treatable with inhalers, Praise the Lord.
    John - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has decided to make the most of his unemployment and join the ranks of entrepeneurs.
    Grammas Niece Julie - appears to have her life back in order and apart from drugs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Sofia's niece - She is doing better. They did a tracheotomy on her and have removed all the tubes from her mouth. Though she is not able to get voice out yet she can mouth words and is asking about family members. They are starting some rehab by moving her legs.

    Dear Heavenly Father, The evidence is here that prayer truly does change things and for that we are truly grateful, but as we continue to see praise reports grow we also continue to see our Brothers and Sisters added to the prayer list. The newest one being Margarete with breast cancer. Father we offer up prayer for her and the rest on this list with that dreadful illness, cancer. I pray Lord that you will remove the malady from them but as always, your will not mine be done. We thank you Lord for the many that have had good reports on their illnesses while praying that those that are still on the prayer list will be removed of each individuals problems, illness and anything else that may be keeping them from being the whole person you intended. We Love you Lord and know that you hear our prayers. In Jesus' name I pray for healing and wholeness for your children. Amen

  9. #509
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sofiag1964 View Post
    My niece Taya's update:

    I want to thank Peggy for posting updates here regarding my niece. God bless you my sista

    Doctors from the rehab facility has taken Taya out of the hospital this week. My nephew Allen rang me the day they were doing this. He was the first one to arrive at the hospital and the rest of their siblings, Taya's husband & baby boys, my sister [Taya's mom] and others met at the hospital to encourage Taya and showed her support as she left the hospital to start a new journey of rehabilitation in the facility [I forgot the name, sorry]; ;

    here, they monitor one on one with each patient and my sister mentioned how beautiful the place is... Taya will be able to get regular visits from her husband and her 2 babies.. of course, as with tradition in our family, a huge praise party will take place once Taya is finished at the center...

    Taya came a long way; just a few weeks ago, we were given news that she only had 24 but no more than 48 hours to live; she was grey in colour and to see her plugged to machines was more than anyone could bare... but let me say this, my sister, her own mother, didn't accept it, her husband didn't accept it, as soon as those words left the doctor's mouth, my sister said NO; we shall believe in the report of the Lord!

    My sister was unwavering! Even as we spoke on the phone, she spoke with authority over and against any negative speak, action & evidence that we should prepare for a funeral and I stood with her in agreement over the phone that no weapons formed against Taya would prosper.. after we got off the phone with each other, she started emailing, texting and ringing all prayer warriors [those she knew would pray]..... [including Peggy who in turn kept everyone up to date through my sister's emails]

    Look at God show off; huh!? Taya is now well on the road to recovering & restoration, praise God.

    We don't know why some became ill with any disease and some don't; some make it and some don't.... But I do know we couldn't have made it through if it weren't for God touching all of your hearts to stand in prayer with us... on behalf of my family, I want to say thank you for your continued prayers and know that I am also praying for each and everyone of you, daily.


    God is so good! Thank you LORD; continue to bless all posters, viewers, and those listed on the prayer list. Amen.

  10. #510
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, C.O.P.D. and Diabetes
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Sofia - Her Son found a job.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Grammas husband Brad - is now taking treatments every 6 months instead of every 3 Months and his double valve replacement turned out to be Pulmonary Hypertension treatable with inhalers, Praise the Lord.
    John - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has decided to make the most of his unemployment and join the ranks of entrepeneurs.
    Grammas Niece Julie - appears to have her life back in order and apart from drugs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Sofia's niece - She is doing better. They did a tracheotomy on her and have removed all the tubes from her mouth. Though she is not able to get voice out yet she can mouth words and is asking about family members. They are starting some rehab by moving her legs.
    Meebo (Margarete)] - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Ava's sister Tia - Well on the road to recovery.

    Heavenly Father, what a wonderful day. Thank you for giving us two more of your children to add to the Praise Report. If anyone doubts the power of prayer all they need to do is look at these wonderful prayer and praise reports posted here. Thank you Father for loving us and those on the prayer and praise lists, so much. We know you hear our prayers and act upon them in your time and manner. We are so grateful to you. In Jesus Holy name I pray, Amen.
    Last edited by gramma1111; 29th September 2009 at 06:23 PM.

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