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Thread: Auctions being closed

  1. #1

    Default Auctions being closed

    I have a few run until sold auctions that keep being closed without me closing them, I realised they all had the same name although they were different items so I renamed them adding a number at the end but they have been closed again. Can anyone think what the problem could be?

  2. #2


    Mmm, I was thinking wrong category because that is easy to do. But I went into your things and you seem to be very careful about picking your categories.

    Titles will do it too if someone complains. Maybe the change you made was not enough to get around the stipulation they should not be the same item (or seem to be the same item)? Could be by adding a number you looked like you just relisted and added number to lisitng?

    Has to be one of those two as they do not close for any other reason AND they do not close unless someone complains.

  3. #3


    Thanks for your reply. I've listed other items the same way and not had a problem, I'll try changing the titles instead and see what happens.

    What type of dog is that on your picture?

  4. #4


    The very curious and funny thing is that all around is full of duplicated listings and they run peaceful...
    Even reported to support team those listings but the reply was: sometimes we contact seller to be sure it wasn't a mistake... (?!?!?! If there's a rule breach, must be treaten in the same way for everyone, isn't it?)
    Hasta Luego!

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  5. #5


    It would also be nice if they let you know why they had closed them, if you're doing something wrong you won't know unless you're told!

  6. #6
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    The site software automatically deletes any auctions with identical titles......so it isn't "touched by human hand" so to speak

    But, I have noticed an anomily with that process.....the software seems to miss duplicates if they were part of a bulk upload

    Yvonne x

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Vonz View Post
    The site software automatically deletes any auctions with identical titles......so it isn't "touched by human hand" so to speak

    But, I have noticed an anomily with that process.....the software seems to miss duplicates if they were part of a bulk upload

    Yvonne x
    ...In just 10 minutes last week I got three different Auctions with duplicate... Reported and still running.
    Is quite frustrating for who tries to make somethig serious here, isn't it?
    Hasta Luego!

    Take a peek at our shops!
    Cameralabs - Thai Gourmet

  8. #8


    That makes sense as a person would have realised they were different items, I've changed the titles more now anyway so hopefully that will work!

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