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Thread: What A Mighty God we Serve!

  1. #531
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, C.O.P.D. and Diabetes
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - Cancer
    Peggy's friend's son - Swine flu

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Sofia - Her Son found a job.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Grammas husband Brad - is now taking treatments every 6 months instead of every 3 Months and his double valve replacement turned out to be Pulmonary Hypertension treatable with inhalers, Praise the Lord.
    John - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has been called back to his old job.
    Grammas Niece Julie - appears to have her life back in order and apart from drugs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Meebo (Margarete)] - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Sofia's Niece Taya - Well on the road to recovery.
    Maplegin - The doctor's have said that although her cancer is incurable, it is not terminal. Obviously the Lord has more work for her to do.
    Lynette - Is showing signs of improvement and making milestones in her day to day life. They may seem small to us but to her they are giant leaps.
    Sofia's niece - She is eating solid food as they have removed her feeding tube and she was supposed to get to go home the end of September, though I haven't heard yet if she has.
    Peggy's friend's son - My friends son who has swine flu is doing much better and the family is thankful for the prayers.

    What a blessing to add to the Praise Report that my friends son with swine flu is doing very well. Praise the Lord for all blessings.

    This was in my devotions today and I thought I would share it.

    Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work.
    Chambers, Oswald, My Utmost for His Highest, (United Kingdom: Marshall Morgan & Scott) c1927.

    John 14:12 KJV

    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  2. #532
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    I thought you might enjoy these children singing --- What a Mighty God We Serve.

    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  3. #533
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    What amazing strength can be shown when there is love. I thought you might like to see this you tube of Katie's wedding.

    I am also putting this in the Chairty -- Its official we can pimp -- thread as some may not be looking here.
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  4. #534
    Forum Master youmeus's Avatar
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    We are back home. As the trip before, this 2 days of appointments turned into 8 days.

    I don't mean to take up too much of this space but will recap so you will all know what I am talking about.

    My daughter, Lynette, has been a healthy person with the usual problems we all face. She is 43 years old and teaches 2nd grade.

    June 1 she was working in her yard, June 2 she was in severe pain in left upper abdomen, went to ER and was sent home with medication for stomach inflamation and put on liquid diet for 5 days. June 5 she was back in ER doubled up, they admitted her but could find no problems so after 5 days they sent her home, no better than she was. June 19, back to ER, no relief, sent her home. June 23 went to an independent MRI lab and they found a collapsed ueter from left kidney to bladder, back to hospital where they put a stent in June 25. The MRI also showed a lesion on L4 vertebrea so they did a biopsy and put her on strong IV antibiotics. The antibiotics kept her nauseas and she developed a blood clot and infection in the PICC line so back to have it removed. She kept getting weaker and no signs of improvement eventhough she was still on antibiotics.

    July 29 I took her to Mayo Clinic ER and they admitted her and she was there 2 1/2 weeks. At that time we didn't know if we would be taking her home with us or not. They did extensive testing, put in another PICC line and started her on more strong antibiotics. She did the IV's at home for a total of 9 weeks of antibiotics. Most of that time she was nauseas and wound up loosing 40+ pounds.

    We went back in Sept for followup visits and they performed an open biopsy of her spine but still could come to no conclusions. After they took her off all medications she regained her appetite but could only eat 4-5 bites before she is full or sick.

    Oct 11 we went back for followup visit with Ortopedic and General Medicine on the 12th with plans to come home on 13th. The spot on her back showed to be a little worse so they ordered more testing. She is also very short of breath at this point so they also scheduled test with lung, rhemotology, infectious disease, cardio. This all took time to do as well as get results so stayed until 19th to get all of the results then had to stay until 20th to see the cardioligist. Now they have determined the infection she has been fighting has settled in the sac around her heart and that is what is causing the weakness, SOB and general feeling of sickness. They put her on an anti-inflammatory drug and say she should feel better in 2 days but to keep taking it for about 2 weeks.

    Sure hope they have the right answer this time. She says she thinks God has been healing her and that is why they had so much trouble pinpointing all of the problems---they weren't there for the tests.

    We got home last night, 720 miles later. It will take more than 2 days for me to recover!

    I appreciate all of you lending me a shoulder to cry on, I feel like you are extended family. Our church families, family members and neighbors have been wonderful too. We are so blessed!

    We know she is on prayer chains in at least 25 states and this international one. If God hears the prayers of each individual how much more he should hear these. I've found that when I am too weary it is hard to pray so must count on all of you helping me out.

    Thank You for being here!! and God Bless each of you.

  5. #535
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, C.O.P.D. and Diabetes
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - Cancer
    Peggy's friend's son - Swine flu

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Sofia - Her Son found a job.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Grammas husband Brad - is now taking treatments every 6 months instead of every 3 Months and his double valve replacement turned out to be Pulmonary Hypertension treatable with inhalers, Praise the Lord.
    John - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has been called back to his old job.
    Grammas Niece Julie - appears to have her life back in order and apart from drugs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Meebo (Margarete)] - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Sofia's Niece Taya - Well on the road to recovery.
    Maplegin - The doctor's have said that although her cancer is incurable, it is not terminal. Obviously the Lord has more work for her to do.
    Lynette - Is showing signs of improvement and making milestones in her day to day life. They may seem small to us but to her they are giant leaps.
    Sofia's niece - She is eating solid food as they have removed her feeding tube and she was supposed to get to go home the end of September, though I haven't heard yet if she has.
    Peggy's friend's son - My friends son who has swine flu is doing much better and the family is thankful for the prayers.
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - The doctor's have said that further tests shows Duane DOES NOT have cancer and his liver has improved greatly.

    Dear Father, PRAISE THE LORD in answer to prayer for my grandson-in-law. Thank you for being with Linda, Lynette and the rest of the family and continue to hold them in Your care as their journey on the road to recovery continues. I pray for those on the list and those not on the list that need Your care and help. Don't forget about those that have strayed from You as they need your Holy Spirit's assistance to come back. I pray these things in Your name and timing. Amen
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  6. #536
    Forum Diehard
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, C.O.P.D. and Diabetes
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - Cancer
    Peggy's friend's son - Swine flu
    Jackie's husband Brad - Went for his treatment today and the Urologist found white cells where they didn't belong. Doctor will have to do a painful biopsy.
    Jackie's friend Jenny - Had a miscarriage this weekend, needless to say she is devastated.
    Jackie's acquaintance Leah Ann - Had a massive stroke. She coded this morning but was brought back and is now on life support.

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Sofia - Her Son found a job.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Grammas husband Brad - is now taking treatments every 6 months instead of every 3 Months and his double valve replacement turned out to be Pulmonary Hypertension treatable with inhalers, Praise the Lord.
    John - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has decided to make the most of his unemployment and join the ranks of entrepeneurs.
    Grammas Niece Julie - appears to have her life back in order and apart from drugs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Sofia's niece - She is doing better. They did a tracheotomy on her and have removed all the tubes from her mouth. Though she is not able to get voice out yet she can mouth words and is asking about family members. They are starting some rehab by moving her legs.
    Meebo (Margarete)] - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Sofia's Niece Taya - Well on the road to recovery.
    Maplegin - The doctor's have said that although her cancer is incurable, it is not terminal. Obviously the Lord has more work for her to do.
    Lynette - Is showing signs of improvement and making milestones in her day to day life. They may seem small to us but to her they are giant leaps.
    Sofia's niece - She is eating solid food as they have removed her feeding tube and she was supposed to get to go home the end of September, though I haven't heard yet if she has.
    Peggy's friend's son - My friends son who has swine flu is doing much better and the family is thankful for the prayers.
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - The doctor's have said that further tests shows Duane DOES NOT have cancer and his liver has improved greatly.

    Heavenly Father, Thank you Lord for this another day. I come to you with a heavy heart. You have been so good to Brad and you know what the doctor found today, I just pray that what they find will not be serious and that it will turn out to be nothing. I pray also for Jenny Lord, we don't know why bad things happen but you do as you are all knowing. She is hurting so badly with a broken heart Father and I just pray that you give her peace over the loss of her unborn child. Lord our whole community has been praying to for Leah Ann and although she passed this morning you allowed the Doctors to bring her back. Please continue to hold her in your loving arms and heal her so that she may continue her work. Of course Lord as I always pray, Your will not mine be done, just give us understanding and acceptance for these things. I thank you for our continually growing list of praise reports, and continue to ask your hand to be on those that continue to be on the prayer list. Finally Father I ask a special Blessing for Peggy as she has been asked to deliver a special devotional at her church tomorrow night. I pray that you use her as your instrument and speak through her bringing a special blessing to her and to all those that hear her. Lord I Love You and thank you for your special Love for me and all that believe in you. I pray these things in the Holy name of Jesus, Amen.

  7. #537
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Dear Lord, I thank you for all that you do for me and loved ones but tonight I ask you to be with Gramma and Brad as you know about the concerns about his white counts and her sugar problems. Help get them under control and bless her special. Be with Jenny that had the miscarriage and Leah Ann that is on life support. Father, we don't understand so many things that happen but I leave it in Your care. I pray for all those on the list and thank you for those that have improved. You know too that this is the final week in the MSABC Pink Fridays so bless the efforts of those who are giving extra of whatever they may be giving. Thank you for keeping me in your care and for helping me last night in the devotional at church. Please take care of my eBid friends. I ask these things in Your will and love. Amen
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  8. #538
    Forum Diehard
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, C.O.P.D. and Diabetes
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - Cancer
    Peggy's friend's son - Swine flu
    Jackie's husband Brad - Went for his treatment today and the Urologist found white cells where they didn't belong. Doctor will have to do a painful biopsy.
    Jackie's friend Jenny - Had a miscarriage this weekend, needless to say she is devastated.
    Jackie's acquaintance Leah Ann - Had a massive stroke. She coded this morning but was brought back and is now on life support.
    Jackie's Aquaintance Leah Ann - passed away from complications of Swine Flu. Be in prayer for her husband, children and other family members.
    Stitchsyl's Daughter - In intensive care on a ventilator, unable to breath on her own.

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Sofia - Her Son found a job.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Grammas husband Brad - is now taking treatments every 6 months instead of every 3 Months and his double valve replacement turned out to be Pulmonary Hypertension treatable with inhalers, Praise the Lord.
    John - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has decided to make the most of his unemployment and join the ranks of entrepeneurs.
    Grammas Niece Julie - appears to have her life back in order and apart from drugs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Sofia's niece - She is doing better. They did a tracheotomy on her and have removed all the tubes from her mouth. Though she is not able to get voice out yet she can mouth words and is asking about family members. They are starting some rehab by moving her legs.
    Meebo (Margarete)] - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Sofia's Niece Taya - Well on the road to recovery.
    Maplegin - The doctor's have said that although her cancer is incurable, it is not terminal. Obviously the Lord has more work for her to do.
    Lynette - Is showing signs of improvement and making milestones in her day to day life. They may seem small to us but to her they are giant leaps.
    Sofia's niece - She is eating solid food as they have removed her feeding tube and she was supposed to get to go home the end of September, though I haven't heard yet if she has.
    Peggy's friend's son - My friends son who has swine flu is doing much better and the family is thankful for the prayers.
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - The doctor's have said that further tests shows Duane DOES NOT have cancer and his liver has improved greatly.

    Heavenly Father thank you for this another day, thank you Lord for all your many blessings and especially thank you for all of the many praise reports that you have allowed us to watch to fulfillment. Father I continue to pray for Jenny, as she is having a hard time coping with the loss of her unborn child. I continue to pray for my husband Brad that the white cells will not be the spreading of cancer and I pray too for Leigh Ann's family, help them Father to cope with and ultimately accept the death of their dear and precious wife and mother. Lord you know that Leigh Ann was the principal at Delta Elementary where she was loved by all, I ask that you help each and every child there to cope and accept the death of their principal as these children too are having a hard time understanding this untimely death. Lord, finally I pray for Stitchsyl's Daughter, I pray that you touch her with your loving hands and heal her from the illness that has her so sick and unable to breath on her own. I pray for her entire family, especially her two children that have so many questions in their minds. Of course Father, I continue to pray for all those on the Prayer List as well as those on our Praise Report. I ask these things in the name of Your precious Son Jesus. Amen
    Last edited by gramma1111; 2nd November 2009 at 02:16 PM.

  9. #539
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gramma1111 View Post

    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation.
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system.
    Gramma - Back surgery, C.O.P.D. and Diabetes
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - Cancer
    Peggy's friend's son - Swine flu
    Jackie's husband Brad - Went for his treatment today and the Urologist found white cells where they didn't belong. Doctor will have to do a painful biopsy.
    Jackie's friend Jenny - Had a miscarriage this weekend, needless to say she is devastated.
    Jackie's acquaintance Leah Ann - Had a massive stroke. She coded this morning but was brought back and is now on life support.
    Jackie's Aquaintance Leah Ann - passed away from complications of Swine Flu. Be in prayer for her husband, children and other family members.
    Stitchsyl's Daughter - In intensive care on a ventilator, unable to breath on her own.

    Praise Reports:
    Youmeus -Her husband received good reports from the doctor.
    Sofia - Her Son found a job.
    Jewel -Her husband has been hired by a firm where he placed an application.
    Grammas husband Brad - is now taking treatments every 6 months instead of every 3 Months and his double valve replacement turned out to be Pulmonary Hypertension treatable with inhalers, Praise the Lord.
    John - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Gramma's friend Debbie - Family seems to be doing well and coming to terms with their son and brothers suicide.
    Texas Ada's Brother-in-law passed on quietly into the loving arms of Jesus two weeks ago as he was being told that Jesus was waiting for him. Praise the Lord for such a passing.
    Sofia - Things have worked out so she is receiving help for many of her problems.
    Grammas brother Bill - has decided to make the most of his unemployment and join the ranks of entrepeneurs.
    Grammas Niece Julie - appears to have her life back in order and apart from drugs.
    Peggy's Friend Barbara - Barbara is doing exceptionally well and the family thanks all for their prayers
    Sofia's niece - She is doing better. They did a tracheotomy on her and have removed all the tubes from her mouth. Though she is not able to get voice out yet she can mouth words and is asking about family members. They are starting some rehab by moving her legs.
    Meebo (Margarete)] - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Sofia's Niece Taya - Well on the road to recovery.
    Maplegin - The doctor's have said that although her cancer is incurable, it is not terminal. Obviously the Lord has more work for her to do.
    Lynette - Is showing signs of improvement and making milestones in her day to day life. They may seem small to us but to her they are giant leaps.
    Sofia's niece - She is eating solid food as they have removed her feeding tube and she was supposed to get to go home the end of September, though I haven't heard yet if she has.
    Peggy's friend's son - My friends son who has swine flu is doing much better and the family is thankful for the prayers.
    Peggy's grandson-in-law Duane - The doctor's have said that further tests shows Duane DOES NOT have cancer and his liver has improved greatly.

    Heavenly Father thank you for this another day, thank you Lord for all your many blessings and especially thank you for all of the many praise reports that you have allowed us to watch to fulfillment. Father I continue to pray for Jenny, as she is having a hard time coping with the loss of her unborn child. I continue to pray for my husband Brad that the white cells will not be the spreading of cancer and I pray too for Leigh Ann's family, help them Father to cope with and ultimately accept the death of their dear and precious wife and mother. Lord you know that Leigh Ann was the principal at Delta Elementary where she was loved by all, I ask that you help each and every child there to cope and accept the death of their principal as these children too are having a hard time understanding this untimely death. Lord, finally I pray for Stitchsyl's Daughter, I pray that you touch her with your loving hands and heal her from the illness that has her so sick and unable to breath on her own. I pray for her entire family, especially her two children that have so many questions in their minds. Of course Father, I continue to pray for all those on the Prayer List as well as those on our Praise Report. I ask these things in the name of Your precious Son Jesus. Amen
    Dear Father, I ask that you accept Gramma's prayer from me also and please bless her as she is going through a lot of stress. Keep her sugar under control and hold her in Your loving arms. I ask all in Your will. Amen
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    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  10. #540
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    It's been such a blessing to come to this thread again, I've been away so long. I've been blessed by the videos of the children singing "What A Mighty God We Serve"; and by the beautiful but heart wrenching videos about Katie Kilpatrick; and by the numerous praise reports amongst the seemingly giant prayer needs in our midst. Somehow, I feel as if I've grown up a little more, catching a glimsp of some of the more important things in life. Thank you Peggy, Linda, and Jackie for your faithfulness in prayer and continued involvement and presense on this thread. Thank God for His constant faithfulness, love, and mercy. Amen.

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