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Thread: What A Mighty God we Serve!

  1. #561
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    LORD we come before you humbly knowing that you are a merciful and compassionate God. We glorify you for who you are; we magnify your Name. LORD we understand that we can do nothing in our own strength, but it is your strength that we wholely depend on.

    LORD we come before you lifting our sister Jackie to you. Jesus please cover her with your blood, shield her from the onslaught of the enemy. Satan we come against you in the Name of Jesus Christ. We bind you on every side. Take your hands off of our sister; you are a defeated foe. We plead the blood of Jesus against you Satan. We pray this in the precious and matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

  2. #562
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading. Update - Having radiation 4 days and chemo 1 day each week. Praise - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes. Praise - He is doing so well that he is now taking treatment every six months instead of three.
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation. Praise - The Doctor's have said that although her cancer is incurable. it is not terminal. Obviously the Lord is not finished with her yet,
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu. Praise - She is doing better. She is now eating solid food as they have removed her feeding tube and she is supposed to go home the end of September, although I haven't heard yet if she has. Update - Taya is now home with her family recovering and healing quicker than any doctor could anticipate or any of us could imagine. She uses an oxygen tank & wheelchair when she's out & about.
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system. Praise - Lynette is showing signs of improvement and making milestones in her day to day life. They may seem small to us but they are giant leaps for her.
    Gramma - C.O.P.D. and Diabetes - Update - She has swine flu and is in severe pain and she desperately needs our prayer.
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer Praise - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Jackie's husband Brad - Went for his treatment today and the Urologist found white cells where they didn't belong. Doctor will have to do a painful biopsy. Praise - His infection is clearing up from antibiotics and won't need a biopsy done after all. Thank You Lord.
    Jackie's friend Jenny - Had a miscarriage, needless to say she is devastated. Update - She is doing well overall, but has days where she is still has a hard time accepting.
    Stitchsyl's Daughter - In intensive care on a ventilator, unable to breath on her own. Update - She is out of the intensive care unit, off the ventilator, and walking for short distances.
    Linda's Daughter Lynette - Be in prayer for her financial situation. The School she teaches at say's she needs to be back by December, yet she's still not strong enough to go back to work.
    Hopeful2's daughter Rene - Is having breathing problems since getting over the flu.
    Jeweleffects - Her store is closed until further notice due to illness.
    HaroldB - Heard he has been in the hospital.
    Jean - She is struggling at present with life and the meaning of everything that has happened to her.
    Jan - She is in ICU with a cold but DOES NOT have the swine flu.

    Dear Father, I have added yet another to the list needing Your help as Jan is in ICU from a cold and I ask that You help her and keep her in Your care. Do be with those who are praying and those who are needing prayer. Thank you for taking our troubles into Your care and as I ask these things according to will in the name of Jesus. Amen
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  3. #563
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ropegg View Post

    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Bladder Cancer -- had bladder removed and cancer is spreading. Update - Having radiation 4 days and chemo 1 day each week. Praise - There were more tumors when he went back for check up so they are giving him another round of the treatments ---- they were concerned that it had spread to his kidneys and when they did the scan the kidneys were all clear. Also for most of the treatments he has had little pain and sickness which is a great blessing.
    Linn- Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer, Pulmonary Hypertension and Diabetes. Praise - He is doing so well that he is now taking treatment every six months instead of three.
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    MrsBentleys friend - Cancer
    Maplegin - Breast Cancer - Doctors have found Cancer in a lymph node so she will probably need Chemo as well as radiation. Praise - The Doctor's have said that although her cancer is incurable. it is not terminal. Obviously the Lord is not finished with her yet,
    Herbalbrew - Breast Cancer
    Indyglo's daughter - Major health issues
    Penny and her Father - Lost their Mother and Wife. Father is having an extremely hard time with his loss.
    Linda's brother-in-law and family - Had tumor on brain removed and needs continued prayer
    Sophia's niece- Had emergency delivery (baby seems fine) due to mother having pneumonia and swine flu. Praise - She is doing better. She is now eating solid food as they have removed her feeding tube and she is supposed to go home the end of September, although I haven't heard yet if she has. Update - Taya is now home with her family recovering and healing quicker than any doctor could anticipate or any of us could imagine. She uses an oxygen tank & wheelchair when she's out & about.
    Ucanbeasurvivor- Financial and depression needs
    Uniquemornique - Personal Problems
    Youmeus daughter Lynette - Has severe infection in spine and muscles causing problems throughout her system. Praise - Lynette is showing signs of improvement and making milestones in her day to day life. They may seem small to us but they are giant leaps for her.
    Gramma - C.O.P.D. and Diabetes - Update - She has swine flu and is in severe pain and she desperately needs our prayer.
    Meebo (Margarete) - Breast Cancer Praise - Praise the Lord, after her recent treatment she was told that no more cancer cells had been found.
    Jackie's husband Brad - Went for his treatment today and the Urologist found white cells where they didn't belong. Doctor will have to do a painful biopsy. Praise - His infection is clearing up from antibiotics and won't need a biopsy done after all. Thank You Lord.
    Jackie's friend Jenny - Had a miscarriage, needless to say she is devastated. Update - She is doing well overall, but has days where she is still has a hard time accepting.
    Stitchsyl's Daughter - In intensive care on a ventilator, unable to breath on her own. Update - She is out of the intensive care unit, off the ventilator, and walking for short distances.
    Linda's Daughter Lynette - Be in prayer for her financial situation. The School she teaches at say's she needs to be back by December, yet she's still not strong enough to go back to work.
    Hopeful2's daughter Rene - Is having breathing problems since getting over the flu.
    Jeweleffects - Her store is closed until further notice due to illness.
    HaroldB - Heard he has been in the hospital.
    Jean - She is struggling at present with life and the meaning of everything that has happened to her.
    Jan - She is in ICU with a cold but DOES NOT have the swine flu.

    Dear Father, I have added yet another to the list needing Your help as Jan is in ICU from a cold and I ask that You help her and keep her in Your care. Do be with those who are praying and those who are needing prayer. Thank you for taking our troubles into Your care and as I ask these things according to will in the name of Jesus. Amen
    LORD we thank you for being a God who hears and answers prayer. I ask that you touch Jan in a special way. Heal her of this serious condition. Help her to be released from ICU, to regular unit/home soon. LORD I continue also to pray for others on the prayer list and those amongst us with unspoken needs. LORD I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  4. #564
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Praise God! Had an opportunity to speak with Jackie in a pm & she still had her spunk even in the midst of her challenge. Was encouraged to see her posting from last night in the YDC community group. Will continue to hold her & Brad in prayers. Jesus, there are two daughters of Abraham out there who need your special intervention. Their names are Lynette (Linda's daughter) & Renee (Sandy's daughter). Please be with their doctors and health teams & give them the wisdom & insight to know how to deal with their health concerns. Please touch them both & make them whole. I also continue to hold up all on our list who continue to need your intervention, and those with unspoken needs, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I will be careful in giving you & you alone all the praises, glory, and honor. Amen.

  5. #565


    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Praise God! Had an opportunity to speak with Jackie in a pm & she still had her spunk even in the midst of her challenge. Was encouraged to see her posting from last night in the YDC community group. Will continue to hold her & Brad in prayers. Jesus, there are two daughters of Abraham out there who need your special intervention. Their names are Lynette (Linda's daughter) & Renee (Sandy's daughter). Please be with their doctors and health teams & give them the wisdom & insight to know how to deal with their health concerns. Please touch them both & make them whole. I also continue to hold up all on our list who continue to need your intervention, and those with unspoken needs, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I will be careful in giving you & you alone all the praises, glory, and honor. Amen.
    Thank you so much Ava for remembering Rene' in your prayers.
    This is from Rene's facebook page. I wanted to let you all know how she is doing.

    "The virus I had a few weeks back attacked my heart. I had the heart echo today and found out some not so good news. I have congestive heart failure, an enlarged and weak heart and it is only working at 35%. I can't do anything at all now. More tests are to follow. This isn't gonna be fun at all. I do believe in the power of prayer, please help".

    She has so many fb friends praying for her as well as friends church groups. There are a lot of prayers going to God on her behalf.

  6. #566
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful2 View Post
    Thank you so much Ava for remembering Rene' in your prayers.
    This is from Rene's facebook page. I wanted to let you all know how she is doing.

    "The virus I had a few weeks back attacked my heart. I had the heart echo today and found out some not so good news. I have congestive heart failure, an enlarged and weak heart and it is only working at 35%. I can't do anything at all now. More tests are to follow. This isn't gonna be fun at all. I do believe in the power of prayer, please help".

    She has so many fb friends praying for her as well as friends church groups. There are a lot of prayers going to God on her behalf.
    Sorry to hear of Renee's report Sandy, she will continue in my prayer's. Father I come before you once again acknowledging your goodness, your mercy, your compassion, and your strenghth.

    LORD I continue to lift Renee before you asking you to touch her & strengthen her heart; provide her cardiac system with divine rest, restore her heart valves to their proper size & function. LORD continue to give her health care team the wisdom to bring her CHF under control. LORD I know that nothing is too hard for you to accomplish. LORD we also continue to pray for Lynette that you will touch her and bring wholeness to her body, soul, and spirit. Give her your peace and strength as she goes through.

    LORD also please continue to remember Jan and touch her body in a special way. Reverse the effects of that serious cold and continue to strengthen her and heal her and return her to her home & the eBid community. We continue to ask that you hold Jackie in your arms, strengthen her, heal her of the effects of the swine flu and touch her other health conditions with your healing power.

    LORD we continue to hold all of the individuals & families needing your loving intervention on their behalf up in prayer. Please touch them LORD and heal their specific need/request. I give you praise knowing that you are a God who hears and answers prayer. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  7. #567
    Forum Diehard
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    Thank you all for your prayers. I am doing a bit better. Sandy I am so sorry to hear the news about Rene', I will keep her in my prayers as I do the others on the list.

  8. #568
    Forum Saint ejean9's Avatar
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    I will keep Rene in my prayers also..and please tell her my brother had the same thing through a virus 5 years ago..he did return to work..and does have to take things easy, but with medication is doing well..

  9. #569


    Quote Originally Posted by ejean9 View Post
    I will keep Rene in my prayers also..and please tell her my brother had the same thing through a virus 5 years ago..he did return to work..and does have to take things easy, but with medication is doing well..
    Thank you so much for your prayers, I hope you don't mind but I copy/pasted your words into her list of comments from her friends on facebook. I wanted her to know she is getting prayers from the UK too.


  10. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful2 View Post
    Thank you so much for your prayers, I hope you don't mind but I copy/pasted your words into her list of comments from her friends on facebook. I wanted her to know she is getting prayers from the UK too.

    of course i dont mind..

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