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Thread: Deadbeat bidders are invading ebid/ Have you been victimized?

  1. #1

    Question Deadbeat bidders are invading ebid/ Have you been victimized?

    It seems most recentley that I have had numerous bids from quite a few New registrants with ebid and they went crazy bidding, i was thrilled thinking wow what sales, then ebid cancelled them all and sent me an e-mail explaining that the acitivity was suspicious. I am so greatful that ebid is looking out for me. They have dealt with these people and I am sure they have been barred.

    But what gets me is that it still is happening. Is their anyone else out their getting a blast hit by deadbeat bidders ?

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    Attic Treasure Collectibles 310 auctions

  2. #2


    You get a few now and then that bid and then don't pay, I have had one that you had and due to 2 negs in a row they are now suspended.
    I don't class it as being "victimised" I class it as just part and parcel of online trading.

  3. #3


    I agree. I got two wonderful new sellers that bought quite a bit and no trouble at all.

    At least you did not mail out and have them pull payment back!!

  4. #4


    It's happened to us, but I've noticed it goes in streaks. Have only had one out of the last ten buyers, and oddly enough they bought several items and paid for all except one.

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