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Thread: Another Ebid Newbie

  1. #1

    Smile Another Ebid Newbie

    Hello everyone~

    I am a former FeeBay seller (just like many of you) and I signed up with Ebid a little over a month ago and have not sold anything as of yet. I was wondering if someone would be willing to take a look at my store and critique it for me. Pretty Please?

    I have spent quite a bit of time searching closed auctions here and it seems like the only items I found that were selling were items under about $5. Is this typical or is it really that slow? I noticed that some people have had things listed for 2+ years that have not sold. Yikes!

    Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to reply!

  2. #2


    I just came over from ebay a few days ago. I grew up in Everett. I live in Concrete now, just up the North Cascades Hwy above Mt. Vernon.

    I took a peek and your store looks nice. One thing I did notice and was one of the first pieces of advice I got was that your auctions or fixed price listings only should run from 7 to 14 days.

    The way it works here is it goes up the list to the top as the end of the listing comes due. If you list it for a month it will cycle up very slow and a good till sold listing will stay at the bottom forever.

    One the lister page you have a box where you can have the listing posted again as soon as it closes a number of times. I was told to set this to 10 auto relists and to set the listing between 7 to 14 days.

    Hope that helps!


  3. #3


    Welcome to eBid!

    Your All About the Seller page is great, your listings look fine, you're off to a good start. I also think you have a product line that a lot of women will welcome.

    Yes, higher priced items do sell, but it may take a long while. We just sold one high-priced item that had been here for 18 months. Keep in mind it was listed on #%&Bay for over 2 years and didn't sell there. The big difference is that it doesn't cost us a penny to have them here for that long, so we can afford to wait for the right buyer. And we did sell a couple of things in the $10 to $20 range this month.

  4. #4


    Thank you so much for the advice David! I will change all of my auctions as soon as I get home from work today.

    I live in unincorperated Everett (Lake Stevens) and moved here from Vegas in 1989. What a big difference...I love it here and could not imagine living anywhere else!

    I wish you the best of luck with your acutions, I am sure you will do great.

  5. #5


    You are a sweetheart...thank you for the words of encouragement. I will keep my chin up and just keep adding items to the store as often as possible. I really like the site and EVERYONE seems so friendly and willing to help.

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. #6


    I joined a little over 2 months ago and just about all of my items are over the $100 mark and I have sold two item thus far; one over $300 and another in the past few weeks at just over $400. As soon as I changed my listings to 7 days with BIN as well the reserve price at the minimum I can take for the product I made my first sale. Keeping wroking hard and your efforts will be rewarded with sales.

    Good luck!
    NE Thing Supply

    Please click here to view my store...

  7. #7


    Welcome to eBid!

    In the fullness of time, if I were you, I would use a second store (and why not when you can use five stores) for all the bits and pieces and keep the current one just for the lingerie. You have your items very prettily presented.

    Edited to say - just another thought - it would be a good idea to add "all measurements in inches" to your useful size table - as most of Europe uses centimetres!! You could add a chart in centimetres if you are really keen to sell abroad

  8. #8


    Thank you for the idea of the measurements....EXCELLENT idea. I thought about opening another store but after reading the forums it looks like all of the items will wind up in the multiple stores just listed under a different store name. I will look into that a little further though. Thank you so much for the help....much appreciated.

  9. #9


    Congratulations on your sales! Wow, I would be tickled pink if I could sell $400 in one month let alone for 1 item. I will be off of work for 2 months soon because of a surgery and I plan on spending just about every waking moment adding more items.

    Thanks for your response.....I will keep plugging away and I am sure it will all work out just fine.

  10. #10


    Welcome to eBid and all the best! :-)

    Online retailers of adult naughty novelties, fancy dress accessories, hen / stag party goodies, games and more.

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