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Thread: Google adsense

  1. #11
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    I've never tried Adsense but did take out an ad on Facebook a couple of months ago and was surprised by how many do click on ads. I mean it's only about 0.5% lol But I only tested it.

    My fan page got something like 175,000 impressions and from that I had a total of about 45 new members and a few orders which I thought was pretty good for £1 a days for 7 days (£7). I know it's not quite the same as Adsense but it did make me more money in sales than I would have earned on Adsense (Going by this post and what others have told me) So maybe it's not a bad way to promote your shop?

  2. #12
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    I still have not pushed any of the P2P sites, but you may have a point as I have heard a lot of people claim success with them, then you can't forget the Lilly Allan and Little boots Success from the My Space site.
    Selling a different product but I would like to know if they are all as age related, or is it broader than it's image of the spotty teenager?

  3. #13
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    A quick heads-up for anybody else using Adsense - not sure if it applies to all or what, but... Just went to check my Adsense balance and I had two alerts on the site saying my payments were on hold until I verified my phone number and PIN. The PIN appears to be in the post on its way to me right now, so that was handy timing for me (it will expire if not used).

    Adsense users might want to check their accounts if they haven't done so recently.

  4. #14
    Forum Saint Juliebabe25's Avatar
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    Hi Guys
    Online advertising is a pet subject of mine.
    I have been trying to drive traffic to my website for the last year with very limited success.
    I had very little luck with Google Adwords.
    Some good success with Facebook (but the clicks got too dear)
    But don't forget that Gooble makes billions a year from online advertising and a lot of that comes from Adsense, so some people must be making a lot of money.

    Bykimbo - will you be declaring your adsense income to the tax man ?
    (he he)

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juliebabe25 View Post
    Hi Guys
    Online advertising is a pet subject of mine.
    I have been trying to drive traffic to my website for the last year with very limited success.
    I had very little luck with Google Adwords.
    Some good success with Facebook (but the clicks got too dear)
    But don't forget that Gooble makes billions a year from online advertising and a lot of that comes from Adsense, so some people must be making a lot of money.

    Bykimbo - will you be declaring your adsense income to the tax man ?
    (he he)
    1. I found adwords expensive and useless
    2. I looked at facebook ads and thought it looked useful but very pricey, not justified for me at the moment at least
    3. I'm hoping I can hide my adsense riches away in an off-shore account, you won't tell, will you?

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Juliebabe25 View Post
    Hi Guys
    Online advertising is a pet subject of mine.
    I have been trying to drive traffic to my website for the last year with very limited success.
    I had very little luck with Google Adwords.
    Some good success with Facebook (but the clicks got too dear)
    But don't forget that Gooble makes billions a year from online advertising and a lot of that comes from Adsense, so some people must be making a lot of money.

    Bykimbo - will you be declaring your adsense income to the tax man ?
    (he he)
    Google is google I guess. My adsense never earns anything either, but I do get $5 off my monthly website fees because the provider arranged it for all of us to run some kind of adsense ad. So I should not complain too much its $5.

    I use a bunch of freebie advertising too, everyplaceIsell, seems to bring in lots of traffic, I get hits daily. Belong to a few more but that works the best.

    Always a risk to layout money but I guess that is the way the big guys/gals go. I have heard of a small garden seed business take out advertising on the biggest internet garden site and go from selling $100 a month to $10,000. But they had to lay out quite a bit of money, not sure how much it cost them.

  7. #17

    Default I must be the lucky one

    I must be the lucky one as I am quite pleased with adsense - Over the past two years income has averaged out at about £50 a month (thats $75 for the US readers) but I do have 6 websites .Two of these are local directories packed with information about specific areas of England and the third is a family history site with lots of local data and information.
    These attract a good volume of traffic and the visitors are looking for information and perhaps more likely to click on an intertesting advertising link.

    Adsense income is certainly a lot more money than I get from selling things for auction per month even though I am now over 200 items and slowly pushing upwards. Lets hope things change soon and I can ignore adsence in favour of auction trade..

    I think that adsence is worthwhile if your website is likely to attract a lot of visitors and has the right topic - I got 265,000 hits last year so even if only 1% of the visitors hit the buttons I get an income.

    If you have a small website with not many hits adsence is hardly worth the aggravation of coding it into the pages.

    If anyone is interested there are some good advice pages on Google about maximising your income. I followed much of their advice and although I haven't been on it for a long time there was a good and friendly adsence forum on which members offered general advice albeit not as friendly as this one!!

    Adsence means that I can afford to keep access to the data on my family history websites free rather than having to charge or beg for donations as is the case on several of my competitors.

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