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Thread: Hello from Ireland!!

  1. #1

    Default Hello from Ireland!!

    Hello there!

    Hope you're all keeping well! I haven't been on the auction sites for a while as I have been updating my own website and concentrating on design work and baking (not at the same time though!)

    Great to see so many auctions on Ebid, I am going to put some up at the weekend.

    By the way, we got our new pup last November, I'll post photos soon! We had lost our lovely Henry, black labrador last August and it was a very sad time, he was only 11 months old at the time but the new little fella, a japanese spitz, well he's gorgeous! He does the "crawl" and "roll over if your name is Rover!" The cavalier is now giving me the "high five" and "shake handies" (giving the paw!)

  2. #2


    Welcome to eBid.net, the place where FVF's are a maximum of 3% and support is human and a great team they are too, Here you'll find friendly people to help you along the way should you need help. Keep an eye open for eBid's newsletters where you can win prizes, should you upgrade to seller+ lifetime for a one of payment of £74.99 (reduced to £49.49 within 24hrs of upgrading) you'll receive a free eBid tee shirt aswell which can be claimed by emailing support at support@eBid.net and stating your size.

    In the unfortunate event you get a non paying customer then eBid will refund your FVF's too which I may hasten to add are only payable after the auction ends. relisting is free too.

    Seller+ Lifetime also gives you 5 free pictures and 5 Free stores, also if you have been a member of the dark side don't forget to inform your customers where you are now selling.

    Thats all from me but someone else may come along and give you more information
    Don't walk in front of me..I may not follow-don't walk behind me..I may not lead-just walk beside me and be my friend.
    Albert Camus

    27hours 30minutes without sleep

  3. #3


    Hiya! I was quite active on Ebid last year but never sold anything but did meet a great bunch of folk on the Kitchen table, we even wrote our own cookery book!! I just have been concentrating on my website and a few other things plus I have six dogs that command my attention!!

    Greedybay have now started to put a capping on the postage of clothing and I think there will be a final exodus to Ebid! I seriously can't see Greedybay lasting the year as most of the items that attracted enjoyable auctions were clothing ones..

    We just have to get the word out on Ebid!! Is there a tv commercial for Ebid at all? That would help a great deal if there was!

  4. #4


    Did you know that if you go to the eBid home page you can now twitter eBid and Facebook eBid? Also a few member are selling unofficial ebid merchandise which helps eBid alot, 2 months ago you missed out on my YDC auctions for the unofficial eBid keyrings, sold my last 10 to the USA. If you would like some eBid eco-friendly bags just give me a shout with the quantity and I'll do a special auction for you for the sale of them
    Don't walk in front of me..I may not follow-don't walk behind me..I may not lead-just walk beside me and be my friend.
    Albert Camus

    27hours 30minutes without sleep

  5. #5
    Forum Saint
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    St Austell, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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    Hiya, and welcome back. Nice to see you again.

  6. #6
    Forum Saint maroy41's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
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    Hi, wondered where you had gone, nice to see you back again.
    Great books reasonable prices please click on the logo below and browse around I have quite a selection for you to choose from.

    Some great Dvd's --->

  7. #7

  8. #8


    Welcome back ........and front to

    Reincarnation is just another repeat

  9. #9

  10. #10

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