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Thread: Excellent service

  1. #1

    Default Excellent service

    Hi all.

    Had a negative this afternoon from a non paying buyer, because I had left him a neg after he had ignored all attempts to communicate, and of course had not paid for the product (can you believe the cheek!!).
    I emailed support, and within a couple of hours, the neg had been removed.
    Great service - thanks ebid support!


  2. #2


    Another one of the wonderful things about eBid. They're fair!

    One more chore each morning . . . go through the forums and add names to my blackball list. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. #3
    Forum Newbie
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    Very cool to learn about this. It is one of the worst things about ebay, I always over compensate any unhappy buyers for almost ANY reason at all just to save my feedback ratings, because without them my sales go from 100 a day to 10 a day almost instantly (2 days tops). Their system is unbelievable, and completely 1 sided. I've received a negative that said roughly this exactly: "credit card was cancled, will pay in 2 weeks". I talked to the buyer about it and he apologized because he was new, faxed the conversations to ebay, and was denied a revision on the feedback.

    That of course was a year before the revisions came about. Those are at least a minuscule improvement in their terrible system for seller rating.

    ..Actually, I could rant about them for hours. It isn't worth it now that i've found sites like this eBid! I hope eBid and ALL of ebays rising competitor's DESTROY ebay haha. Of course we have made money on that site, but they've made much MUCH more from us. They suspended my account once, BY MISTAKE. ADMITTED THEIR MISTAKE. AND STILL WOULDN'T CHANGE THE SUSPENSION. It took me 3 months of going back and forth with faxes and emails. Ridiculous. Might I add that I was a powerseller, and the "powerseller phone line" that they had advertised to me, wasn't available to me since I was suspended. I got the number from a fellow powerseller, when it was called. IT WAS AUTOMATED AND TOLD ME TO GO TO THEIR LIVE HELP...

    ok sorry.. i should have just started a topic haha.

    Glad to hear you got it removed and eBid's service has been great for me so far also!

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