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Thread: eBid on Google Shopping

  1. #1
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Default eBid on Google Shopping

    Has anyone else noticed that several 'foreign' Google Products sites (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Netherlands) are now displaying items listed on eBid that have descriptions in English? I thought that was always a 'no go' as submissions had to be in the currency and language of the country's site.
    Last edited by astral276; 6th April 2012 at 01:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Default Re: eBid on Google Shopping

    Hmm... I think this has changed in Google Base's policy:

    Country-specific Requirements

    • Product data must be in the target country's official language. If the country has multiple official languages, you can submit in any of these languages (be sure to select the same language in Merchant Center).
    • Landing pages (including product information) as well as the entire website have to be in the target country's official language.
    That still remains odd though as none of the countries mentioned in #1 have English as an official language.

    The UK and US are bu**ered as well - as we don't have an official language.

  3. #3

    Default Re: eBid on Google Shopping

    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    Has anyone else noticed that several 'foreign' Google Products sites (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Netherlands) are now displaying items listed on eBid that have descriptions in English? I thought that was always a 'no go' as submissions had to be in the currency and language of the country's site.
    No I hadn't noticed that - gave up looking long ago - what a hoot - well, it would be funny if I wasn't so cross about it all!!

    Tomorrow it will be exactly one year since eBid HQ promised that they would provide me (and other users needing bilingual listings) "in the near future" with the means to have two titles available so that one could be in French and one in English - enabling me to fulfill the requirements of Google Shopping fr. without losing my English speaking customers. Nothing has happened and my patience is exhausted. HQ seem to have as curious an understanding of the phrase "in the near future" as they have of the word "forever"... Not only that but they have recently endorsed the wishes of "ex-pats" who refuse to learn the language of the country they live in to read and write everything in English - can you imagine the outcry within the forums if a UK resident asked to be able to negotiate the site in Polish, Urdu, Japanese or whatever (insert language of choice) as I think they would be told in no uncertain terms that if they are going to live in the UK they should learn to speak English.

    So ... after the last update and yet another disappointment I have been spending my time removing all traces of French from my eBid listing titles so that I can list the items elsewhere (not e***) in French and gain acess to Google Shopping fr. Now... would you believe it - some of my things are appearing on Google Shopping fr. in English!!! le sigh....

    Anyway - it's all too late - there are sites in France and Germany that are storming ahead in the popularity stakes with mainland European buyers and sellers (eBid has missed the ferry and doesn't seem to care) and I'm going to join them and will be listing in French - maintaining a presence here in English for English speaking customers because I've paid and the occasional sale is an occasional sale...

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