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Thread: getting started as a newbie

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default getting started as a newbie

    Hi all

    I 've just recently joined a few weeks back and have listed a few items. I had a couple of sales, but wondered if there's any advice anyone can offer to get my products advertised more?

    Generally, I know it's patience but any advice from anyone is always welcome.

    Alan :-)

  2. #2
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Default Re: getting started as a newbie

  3. #3

    Default Re: getting started as a newbie

    I would set up a store and then add the store link to your signature. The store is free and will not take long to set up and populate.

    You appear well on Google and Google Shopping. But you can get more general hits by using more of the available character in you titles. The '100 Printed Pens' you could make '100 Printed Pens Printed With Your Name or Company Name'.

    To get more exposure you generally need more listings or better keywords. Why not offer other quantities? Maybe 25 and 200.

    Use the 'Plug Your Auctions' thread. You can post one thread and bump every day. Remember if you create a new thread to delete the old one.

    One warning. You have a repeat listing with '50 Twisty Pens - Printed With Your Details'. You need to change or delete one of these listings.

    You should see more sales as you build up customers and feedback on eBid, and also as eBid gets more widely known. Keep on tweaking things, adding listings if you can and enjoying the low fees.

  4. #4

    Default Re: getting started as a newbie

    Hello Alan

    As detailed above - keywords...

    Think of what buyers search for:

    I know for sure that if I was after some pens printed with my name and details on then I would be searching for personalised pens.
    One of my American colleagues may well search for personalized pens - which is fine because the eBid search engine would include personalized even if the buyer searched for personalised.

    Ok, so what does searching for personalised pens on eBid do for me........... 22 items...... none of which would interest me if I was wanting a few or a quantity of personalised pens............ so I would go elsewhere to buy my personalised pens as there is really nothing for sale on eBid.

    So because you don't have personalised in the title you are not really personalising your titles for your personalised audience.

    As Kreative has detailed with the keywords company logo - searching for company logo pens and there is absolutely nothing for sale on eBid. Which would also mean there would be absolutely nothing for me if I searched personalised company logo pens.

    Some sellers think it is a disadvantage that you can't offer differing quantity amounts within the same listing.... but this is where you turn it around to make it an advantage by gaining keyword coverage and getting far better exposure than you otherwise would, for example:

    20 Twisty Pens Printed with your Name and Address.
    30 Twisty Pens Pre-Printed with your Name and Address Details
    40 Twisty Pens Personalised with your Name Address and Telephone Number.
    50 Twisty Pens Personalised with your Business Name Address and Telephone Number
    60 Advertising Pens Personalised with your Printed Business Company Logo
    70 Advertising Pens Personalised with your Business Company Name and Address
    80 Pens Printed with your Business Company Name Address Telephone Number

    etc etc etc........... I could literally go on and on with those... the ideal is where you can cover all the combinations of keywords - searchers are keyword specific and you have to reach out and grab them with your titles.

    You would be able to see quite clearly just how much more exposure that would give you because you would have more significant keyword coverage - and if you had a personalised pen shop (you need one) you would keyword customers into that shop to have wander around.

  5. #5
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: getting started as a newbie

    Hi and welcome to eBid. Posted this (selling suggestions) to another thread but it might be helpful here as well:

    1) Offer international shipping whenever possible to widen your potential customer base.
    2) If seller+ use your 5 free stores to organize your items.
    3) Use BIN prices whenever possible (in addition to auction style if desired) to ensure your items are uploaded to Google shopping.
    4) Use Plug Your Auctions section of the forum (1x per 24 hours, delete/close old post before adding new one) to advertise your items for sale.
    5) Use social media sites to advertise your listings.
    6) Add a signature link to your forum posts so members can click to view your listings.
    7) Check out the Help pages and Astral's FAQs page (info. about signature link on Astral's page), lots of good info. here.
    8) Tell everyone you know and meet about eBid, including former customers on other sites.
    9) Use MaO if it's your thing or offer combined shipping or similar to give buyers more incentive to purchase from you.
    10) List as many items as possible to give buyers more choices.
    11) Use 7-10 day listings instead of RUS to ensure your items move up searches.
    12) Participate in the forums and eBid activities (as the monthly YDC charity auctions if it's your thing) so members get to know you.

    Astral's Knowledge Base:


    Hope this is some help.

    Best wishes for many sales to all,

  6. #6

    Default Re: getting started as a newbie

    As Dean and I have said. Keywords gets the sales. And you can use Deans suggestions for all quantities.

    20 Twisty Pens Printed with your Name and Address.
    30 Twisty Pens Printed with your Name and Address.
    50 Twisty Pens Printed with your Name and Address.
    100 Twisty Pens Printed with your Name and Address.

    Whatever personalisation you can do, have it mentioned on at least one of your listings.

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