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Thread: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

  1. #1

    Default Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    Hello...I have a suggestion regarding the Pinterest Boards and I know it may not be a popular one, but here goes...

    I suggest that there should be a limit either weekly,daily,whatever, on how many pins can be placed per member on their own items. The reason behind this idea is that some people have far less to sell than others, and their items get pushed to the bottom when members who are business sellers pin lots of their items for sale daily. The Plug your auctions thread has limits, and in effect the Pinterest boards are a plug as well, so I think that limits should also apply there for your own items. Of course if you want to pin other peoples items, I think you should be able to do so freely.

  2. #2
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    Understand where you're coming from there, & the idea is likely a fair one & I wouldn't be totally against it, however I can't see how that would be enforceable, as it's not an ebid owned & operated site.
    I saw somewhere (on Pinterest) a convention that said to list only 5 items at a time before adding more. I took that to mean per board.
    This has been how I've operated there since reading that. i.e. let someone else post between your pins.
    Even on the Gems board (my main interest) ATM, its all my pins because nobody else has added anything yet! Still, I only add 5 items at a time.
    Perhaps the above convention would be a good one to adopt by everybody?
    If there are other rules/conventions that I'm not aware of, I'm sure some more knowledgeable users will enlighten me/us.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    No it wouldn't be enforcable per se, but sort of like a gentlemans agreement, lol . Yes, you are a bit of an exeption to the rule at the moment, as your items are quite specialised and you are the only one pinning- fair enough. But there are many sellers of collectibles, stamps, postcards, clothing and many people on Pinterest in those sectors. I think a limit would be fair and also discourage from posting on the wrong boards as well.

  4. #4
    Forum Diehard purplestevie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    To a certain extent the ebid group boards we have are lacking in imagination and the consempt of these boards has been misunderstood.
    If you look at other Online Auction pinterest group boards they are not category based as ebid's is and i believe that is the problem.

    The Weddings board for instance most of the pinning on there was done by me using other sellers items, like me lovevintage43 has also pinned items for other sellers otherwise some of these boards would probably still be empty - photography 2 pins, Cars for sale 0 pins, model railway 4 pins, alternative healing 8 pins, ancient world antiques had 0 until i pinned other sellers items,tickets& travel 3 pins, musical instruments 3 pins, and several other boards with low pins. I think What i should have done is ask for a catergory that would be approriate for my items but i lasped into my past moderator mode or as my husband calls it mug mode.

    we have ladies fashion, vintage fashion and clothes shoes & accessories Why? This is my private vintage fashion board http://pinterest.com/purplestevie/vintage-fashion/ dont you think ebids Vintage fashion board should be used in this way?
    ladies fashion/clothes shoes & accessories could all go under modern fashion if we have a lot of people wanting to pin shoes/clothes/accessories then create 3 separate boards.

    Stamps, sports, comics & magazines, books, toys, computer games etc great no problem they are boards that speak for themselves and are doing well but i would separate books from comics and mags.

    Handmade is definitely needed ,crafts supplies rather than just crafts, jewellery either contemporary or Antique Vintage.

    re cap on pins - im a business seller and everytime i list i pin, so do i list 5 on ebid and the rest on my private boards? or do i support ebid by pinning all my items on their boards? At the moment im pinning my vintage patterns on my own private board because 1.a vintage fashion pinner objected 2. i feel crafts is the wrong place for them its such a huge category and the list of items that could be pinned there is endless.

    One other thing re pinning if like me you are on a 10 day loop your pin will eventually vanish so bear that in mind when choosing how to pin. I have had several enquiries recently asking if these 10 day loop items are still for sale!

    At the end of the day all i want is to pin and hopefully sell my items so i need appropriate boards to do so it takes 5 mins to set up a new board but few have been forthcoming. So ive decided to use my private boards to pin some of my items until suitable boards appear.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    I agree with the OP. I have just joined Pinterest and all I see is a flood of the same products from eBid sellers. From using Facebook and Twitter I know that posting links to your sales all the time will only get you unfollowed and will have the opposite effect on your sales.

    @Oldandintheway. I agree with you, there should be an unwritten limit between ebid members but I believe 5 at a time may still be too much. I have no idea what limit should be placed on a daily basis, that could be decided by everyone here maybe.

    If you are trying to attract people to your sales I believe that indirect marketing is far better than direct links to your auctions. I try uploading funny pics or mention movies or TV shows that I watch to draw people in. Granted I have only 2 followers at the moment but hopefully that will grow.
    Best Regards to all, David

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  6. #6

    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    I pin stuff most days across all the boards I can. I also pin other peoples stuff when I think it fits one of my own boards. I also pin stuff from other sites if relevant to my boards. I try to spread my pins as much as possible, though as someone already said on certain of ebid's boards I may be one of only a couple of pinners so it may look like i'm pinning all the time.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    Yes...all good points from everyone. I just feel that Pinterest is a great tool to help ebid users but I don't think it's fulfilling its full potential for everybody at the moment, and is somewhat open to abuse. Sometimes there are 30 or more pins in a row by one person, old pins aren't always removed when things have been sold, and things are being pinned in the wrong category even when boards already exist for the items. I know it probably isn't feasible but ideally it is something which could do with overseeing by an admin so that sometimes pins can be moved or put into the correct section. It's easy to spot when someone who appears to be pinning all the time is in fact the only one pinning in that section and that's ok because at least the section is being filled!
    As Purplesteve said , the things she is selling don't quite fit into the current boards and she felt she should remove them but if her items are sought after then there should be boards for those items...I have requested a couple more boards for patterns/sewing/haberdashery items
    Once boards have been created that fit the items a person wants to post, they should really move and delete the original pins, likewise when they sell something, and also rather that repeating the same pin multiple times...just bump the original up by repinning and deleting original. Just a few minutes extra care would keep it current and fresh (imagine you were a potential customer and every pin you clicked on was a previously sold item...I would be irritated)
    At the end of the day, this is supposed to be helping all of us and I don't think it's difficult to use it in a way that benefits all ebid Pinners without it being a massive plug for those with hundreds of items to sell. I'm not into rules and censoring...just fairness to all :-)

  8. #8
    Forum Diehard purplestevie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    Quite a lot of pinners including myself have pinned items that were on a loop so the links will be dead for most items but you will find that a huge proportion of pins across pinterest itself will be dead links not sure how pinners who sell deal with this. If you pin like i do, have you got the time to delete dead links?.
    Of course some people pin for other reasons, they pin just because they like the item i do that myself. and i know huge swathes of people do that (Sad really lol) Its a virtual collection!

  9. #9
    Forum Lurker tkauctionworldwide's Avatar
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    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards


    re cap on pins - im a business seller and everytime i list i pin, so do i list 5 on ebid and the rest on my private boards? or do i support ebid by pinning all my items on their boards? At the moment im pinning my vintage patterns on my own private board because 1.a vintage fashion pinner objected 2. i feel crafts is the wrong place for them its such a huge category and the list of items that could be pinned there is endless.

    I am the vintage fashion pinner who made the suggestion for patterns to have a seperate board from vintage clothing.

    Below I have copied & pated my previous post suggesting seperate boards.

    Previous post on another thread.
    I would prefer that vintage knitting crochet sewing patterns had a seperate board to the vintage clothing shoes accessories Pinterest board, patterns would IMO be better under the craft catagory.

    The above suggestion on a thread asking for suggestions. It was a suggestion only. The suggestion was made so that potential buyers looking at the pinterest boards looking for made up clothing would not be confused by seeing unmade items i.e patterns. also when buying patterns are found under the craft catagory, not the clothing shoes accessories catagories.

    Dare I make another suggestion for a board maybe along the lines of -
    Crafts crochet knitting sewing items i.e patterns fabrics button trims etc?
    I also sell vintage patterns though I have not pinned any patterns to the pinterest boards. I will if a suitable board becomes available

    I also suggested that there could be seperate boards for Modern & Vintage clothing, the suggestion was taken up, so that may be the reason that there are now 3 boards covering clothing, the confusion could be due to the original board being left in place with another 2 boards added later to seperate the modern & vintage clothing.


    I have also pinned other sellers items to the boards with numerous pins .
    I have also added other sellers items to the boards that have very few pins, because bare boards do not look very inviting.

    If there was a limit of 5 pins a day, should that be 5 pins of your own items only, or 5 pins total of your own & other sellers items?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Suggestion regarding Limits to Pinterest Boards

    Yes, I have also made a suggestion for a Clothing Patterns Board...this could leave patterns for toys/homewares etc in crafts I also suggested a Haberdashery or similar for buttons/trims etc. There do need to be more boards as some items don't quite fit with any of the boards that are there !
    I think that clothes/shoes/accessories is a bit defunct and too broad a category.I think there should be mens clothing,mens shoes & accessories, womens clothing, womens shoes and accessories, and Vintage clothing, Vintage Shoes and accessories and perhaps a Nightwear & Lingerie section as well...this way skirts/trousers/coats etc go into clothing and shoes/belts/bags/hats go into shoes & accessories then maybe pyjamas,undies,stockings etc could go into Nightwear & Lingerie? I don't know...there are so many different types of clothing !

    My idea was that limits would apply to our own items only, and would not suggest a limit overall but a limit on the number of pins to one board? So if you were selling all kinds of items, you would still be able to post on every board. Lodegrundrunner is right that probably 5 every day is probably a lot,as that is 35 items per board per week...small and new sellers items would still get lost amongst that. I don't really know what would be fair...I just wanted to put the idea out there for discussion to see what people thought :-)

    Also, thumbs up to anybody who is taking the time to pin other people's items...I know that a couple of things I had pinned for other people sold shortly after pinning, so keep up the good work :-) Pinning attractive on- trend items with good clear pictures really improves the look of the boards and makes them more inviting to potential buyers.

    I am off to look at some other boards now and see how they do things...

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