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Thread: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

  1. #41
    Forum Saint Teddyrose54's Avatar
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by suesjools View Post
    I sign everything I can related to stopping fracking. I support green energy, wish there was more advocation of this in these parts, sigh...

    Best wishes for many sales to all,

  2. #42
    Forum Master olivia8143's Avatar
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    France has banned fracking so Cameron has invited French owned energy company, Total, to frack over here. Tell him what’s not ok in France, is not ok here either.

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by squern View Post
    The problem with fracking, global warming, climate change, etc., etc., is that we don't know who to believe.
    We don't know who is trying to manipulate us for their own financial ends.

    I'd like to think that all scientists are seekers after truth, and would not be influenced by the source of their funding
    . I'd like to think that all politicians put the interests of the country, the world, and humanity before their own. But that would be naive, and ignore human nature.

    We have had so many reports of impending disaster since the 1960s that I, for one, am suffering from "disaster-fatigue". The "experts" have cried wolf too often.

    Incidentally, I read somewhere recently that mammoths died out because the climate warmed up. Admittedly that came from a "scientist", but it makes you wonder, because mammoths were gone before humans arrived (according to a "scientist").

    I have recently been shut out of a forum discussion for expressing these opinions: The thread was closed to exclude any opinions contrary to those of the poster. Which tells you a lot about the spreaders of doom and gloom.
    I don't know who is right about these predictions - nobody does. But I do know that problems are solved by discussion and innovation, not fanaticim, bullying, and closed minds.

    a very good point and nearer to the truth than you might think,

    most grants into research in this case mine water discharge are EU lead that is a project has to be presented within a time frame to qualify for acceptance, this by know way means a certain collaboration of scientists and there universities will get the grant the competition is strong from various groups. the grants can be as little as 150000 to a few million, this money is research money not remedial money the out come of the research may or may not dictate the way forward to remedial work. there is also a cash incentive for the universities via the remedial,

    because we are bound by certain Eu regs the EA is obliged to deal with discharge from old mine workings which is different from new owners [ 1999 saw the law change which gave immunity to existing owners but put the onus on new owners or new workings ie they were responsible for discharge ] this now has created a whole new industry on the back of so called pollution from old mine workings, the ins and outs are far to complicated to go into depth here, but i will say there has been a lot of scare mongering by certain interested parties unnecessary projects costing millions carried out, to be fair to the EA they do now listen to ALL stakeholders and will try to adapt any remedial works to conserve existing features ,

    last time i was on a site that has been subject to remedial works the stake holders meeting was a fiery one , the archaeology was agreed upon and preserved. the argument was between different government bodies, so called depolluting would in fact according to some scientists upset the ecological balance, certain plants which are sulphide tolerant [which in themselves are protected spices ] support a environment that are dependent upon them, this environment has been part of the micro eco system for hundreds of years, local fauna has never been interrupted, and no historical records of damage to human or animal life has ever been recorded .

    so i think we have to be very careful what we wish for, we are never given the full picture to who wants to do what and why there reasons may not be the full reason as to why "this needs to happen" indeed what appears to be a good reason , "my god theres cadmium in the water " might be true but at two parts per billion does it really justify millions been spent trying to extract it, and what harm does it do at that concentration !
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  4. #44
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Landowners in the Sussex Downs National Park are mounting a "legal blockade" to protect a potential fracking site.

    Solicitors for residents near Fernhurst, in West Sussex, have written to Celtique Energie and the Energy Secretary Ed Davey to explicitly deny permission to drill under their land .

    It comes after the government said it may alter trespass law to make drilling under property easier for companies.


  5. #45
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    This is *SO* Wrong - Fracking could be allowed under homes without owners’ permission.

    Ministers admit they are looking at overhauling trespass laws to make it easier for energy companies to explore for shale gas.


  6. #46

    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Technically all land in England and Wales is owned by the Monarch(queen)

  7. #47
    Forum Saint sidthelamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anniemcc2 View Post
    Landowners in the Sussex Downs National Park are mounting a "legal blockade" to protect a potential fracking site.

    Solicitors for residents near Fernhurst, in West Sussex, have written to Celtique Energie and the Energy Secretary Ed Davey to explicitly deny permission to drill under their land .

    It comes after the government said it may alter trespass law to make drilling under property easier for companies.


    the most worrying thing about that article besides the fact they want to take land owners rights away from them, is how there going to do it, the article mentions case law and how to get around this, case law is what makes true law in the UK its called " COMMON LAW " there implying they would remove land owners rights by passing a act to circumnavigate the existing law, theres nothing new about this ACTS are being passed all the time to circumnavigate existing laws , reducing your freedom as a FREEMAN , you still have a right under common law to "removal of implied right of access " if these so called representatives of the people get there way we will have no rights left all sold down the line to big corporations , this fracking is a good example of how the state works with corporations ,
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  8. #48

    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anniemcc2 View Post
    This is *SO* Wrong - Fracking could be allowed under homes without owners’ permission.

    Ministers admit they are looking at overhauling trespass laws to make it easier for energy companies to explore for shale gas.


    What are mine and mineral rights?

    In many parts of England and Wales it is fairly common that someone will own the surface of the land but someone else will own the land below the surface. The land below the surface is usually called ‘mines and minerals’.

    There are varying types of rights and ownership relating to mines and minerals. These can range from owning the mines and minerals outright and being able to take them away, whether or not the owner of the surface agrees, to having some rights to them that can be exercised with the agreement of the surface owner.

    Where someone owns the land comprising the mines and minerals below your property they will continue to own it indefinitely. They can apply to register it if they wish but they do not have to and this will not affect their ownership.


  9. #49
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele View Post
    What are mine and mineral rights?

    In many parts of England and Wales it is fairly common that someone will own the surface of the land but someone else will own the land below the surface. The land below the surface is usually called ‘mines and minerals’.

    There are varying types of rights and ownership relating to mines and minerals. These can range from owning the mines and minerals outright and being able to take them away, whether or not the owner of the surface agrees, to having some rights to them that can be exercised with the agreement of the surface owner.

    Where someone owns the land comprising the mines and minerals below your property they will continue to own it indefinitely. They can apply to register it if they wish but they do not have to and this will not affect their ownership.


    yes thats the existing legislation that deals with known and proven deposits ,mineral rights, i myself know of land sales were the freehold is sold but the mineral rights are retained along with the hunting rights, and or i retain the right to withdraw water , the crown also has the right of owner ship to all gold and coal and only they can issue a extraction licence on there own behalf,

    i think the point here is gas and oil reserves are known there exact boundaries aren't , this is why i feel they wont to take the landowners rights away from them to deny access if they wish, even without paying compensation or a very little poultry sum, the interesting result of this will see anti fracking campaigners and land owners coming together to fight this proposed legislation it will also contradict many environmental laws, ssis and put pressure on county councils,highways and the such. All this shows how desperate the government is there last chance ditch to provide energy, by taking there own peoples rights away from them, ironically there there own worst enemies as for generations they have legislated against themselves in the name of a green environment allowed EU legislation to dominate over any common sense power generation there may have been in this country, the net result will be as so rightly point out will be reduced power supply , with the courts and the commons embroiled in constitutional fights ,
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  10. #50
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    Default Re: Latest fracking news Whya re you not fighting this stuff?

    Find out if your area is at risk and join the legal block


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