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Thread: Request an Invoice

  1. #21

    Default Re: Request an Invoice

    Quote Originally Posted by cornishmaid1961 View Post
    Which makes me think of the brilliant suggestion number 4 by Brunwulf in this thread :- http://www.ebid.net/forums/showthrea...ns-Please-Read
    Please Don't Punish The Buyers
    We need to make this site more buyer friendly so I would like to suggest Seller accounts need to change slightly, The restrictions on Seller accounts are in my eyes restrictions for the buyers not the sellers, and are harming the site.

    I call the following list “Buyer Features” as they improve the buying experience for buyers and give the site a better impression, so when you stupidly allow sellers to list items with no Integrated checkout system, no videos, no Invoicing System, no Grouping, no buynow, no Auto Extend, no Thumbnail, no Private Auctions, no Discounts, no Make an Offer, no Google Shopping, etc all these features in my eyes don't affect the seller as much as they affect the bad impression the site gives to new buyers.

    Some may argue that it’s the sellers fault for not upgrading or listing a “Platinum” auction to include these buyer features, and that is true, However forget the seller for a moment and look at it from the eyes of a first time buyer here, the buyer probably will not know anything about ebid expecting it to operate like the other places and will just see ebid as a nightmare place to buy on and never return. affecting the ebid site as a whole ( we should not be punishing buyers ebid ? )

    It just common sense really, we need to make this a place that buyers like to come to , I personally hate buying here. I won a cheap phone tripod here and the Seller did not list a platinum auction , had no clue about how to use paypal without a Integrated checkout or how to manually send a invoice etc as this is usually all done for them free, as a buyer i ended up canceling the sale, i can't be the only one and i am always worried about buying from a basic seller accounts here.

    So here is what i strongly suggest.. Platinum auctions should be removed and Seller accounts should have all the features that Platinum auctions give as default but with one significant change, Seller accounts can only list 20 items max including multiple auctions or buy nows. unless they upgrade to Seller Plus+.

    In my opinion It would tempt sellers to upgrade to Seller Plus+ lifetime accounts with the discount , lower 2% FVF , unlimited listings etc. It would also seriously reduce the complexity of the whole system , no more platinum mess, reduced emails to support and help keep happy buyers coming back to the site.

    After all Seller accounts are really only for low item sellers or people testing out the site so lets make it a good experience for them new sellers and especially new buyers.

    So to recap the changes i suggest would be::

    Buyer Account
    No Changes

    Seller Account
    20 Items Max, including multiple auctions or buynow’s.
    3% FVF (might even be good time to make it 3.5%)
    All the features from Platinum auctions default and do away with Platinum auctions.

    Seller+ Account
    No Changes

    Reduced complexity for new users.
    Less emails to support.
    More happy buyers that are coming back to the site.
    More chance of paid seller+ lifetime upgrades to fund , help support and grow the site.
    Let us know if you can think of any more..

    Let us know if you can think of any..
    Maybe an even simpler option of seller you pay 5 or more percent FVF if seller plus you pay less all other options are the same across the board

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Request an Invoice

    Saw and liked Brunwolf's recommendations. Would improve buyer experience here, and particularly if combined with Paypal only verification for bin purchases. Think a Seller fvf of 4 - 4.5% would produce an incentive to switch to the Seller + Account. Would leave Seller + fees at the current 2% fvf level. These simple steps could greatly increase eBid's revenue, and position them to able to launch a modest advertising and /or marketing program. As well as attract and hold more buyers to the site.

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