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Thread: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard tpypr's Avatar
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    Default Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    I happened upon this video on YouTube and found it to be interesting on several levels. There is no way to fully show the depths of mental and emotional damage the ravages of war brings to a population but, in this film, you will see the horrible physical damage war brings to a people. You will also see people in the dress of the day, vintage automobiles (probably used mostly by people in high positions), modes of transportation for the masses, playing children who knew no other world than that of a nation in ruins, buildings/structures of interest that no longer exist, and a map showing the post-war division of Germany. In general you will see, in film, the infant progress of a resilient people accepting the devastating results of and turning their backs to the evil philosophy of a past government and, with the assistance of other nations, rebuilding from the ashes of a war-torn landscape to present-day Germany.

    I believe that every upcoming generation needs to be shown the results of mistakes made by previous generations in hopes that those mistakes will not be repeated (in the near future, anyway).

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    Default Re: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    enjoyed watching.but.is it not time we forget

  3. #3

    Default Re: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    Thank you for sharing that tpypr. I went to Berlin a few years ago and there is certainly not much left of the old city now so I found that fascinating to see especially as my grandmother lived there for a couple of years after the first world war.

    I just can't believe you said that Tony ! I had family fighting on both sides and the horrors that they endured because of evil dictatorship should never ever be forgotten.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    Quote Originally Posted by cornishmaid1961 View Post

    I just can't believe you said that Tony ! I had family fighting on both sides and the horrors that they endured because of evil dictatorship should never ever be forgotten.
    I agree ... as the saying goes, "Those that do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

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    Forum Diehard tpypr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyreddevil View Post
    enjoyed watching.but.is it not time we forget

    Tony -
    I believe I know what you mean and yes, we ALL want to wake up in the morning and NOT have mental pictures of fighting soldiers, dead civilians, and a destroyed countryside immediately jump into our heads. What we NEED to remember, though, is what led UP to those horrific living nightmares so we can be on the lookout. By remembering lessons learned by humanity several decades ago, we can be watchful for that evil weed and pluck it before it takes over and ruins the lawn of humanity.

    The best example of an "evil weed" I can think of is, for many of us in America anyhow, bermuda grass. If you don't recognize it and carefully remove its entire root structure soon enough, it will overtake the entire lawn. We need, as a race, to be ever-vigilant for the kind of political "weeds" that last century threatened to choke a large per cent of mankind to death - literally.

    Do you think that Hitler would have stopped at Jews and homosexuals? Anyone and everyone who he perceived to be dangerous to him would have suffered the same fate. Had he won the war, there would have ended up being as many concentration camps in Germany as there are FEMA relocation facilities here in the United States. I chose my words carefully. Sometimes the bermuda grass is out of sight and the cuttings thereof get spread as the lawn is mowed.

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    Default Re: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    Theres 2 generations of children whom are likely to know nothing of the 2 wars(1914-191 And1939-1945.).only modern wars like Syria,Ukraine,Iraq and Afganistan

  7. #7

    Default Re: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    We have already forgotten the lessons of World War 2. After the Soviet Red Army liberated the nations of Eastern Europe from Fascism, there were no Fascists in Eastern European governments until the recent Western sponsored coup in Kiev in Ukraine. Now we have Fascists in Government there and we have American politicians standing shoulder to shoulder with them in media shoots when they visit Kiev, the Americans seemingly proud that they have achieved their desired regime change in Ukraine in which they invested 5 billion US Dollars. We also have today the propaganda lies that were a feature of World War 2. Over 70% of the eligible electorate in the Republic of Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation once they realised what could be coming their way from the Fascists in Kiev. In the West, this was presented as Russia invading Crimea. In reality it was democracy in action. This coming 9th May is Victory Day, the most sacred day of the year in some of the nations of the former Soviet Union, when they remember the 27 million Soviets who lost their lives in World War 2 and when they celebrate the defeat of the Nazis and their Fascist allies from countries like Romania and Hungary and Bulgaria. For those in the West who are prepared to remember the lessons of the past, it would be an appropriate day to remember as well and to decide what small actions we can take so the lessons of the past do not get forgotten.

    Regarding where Hitler would have stopped, as I have posted on this Forum before, because of Cold War propaganda, most Western people do not know that Hitler intended eventually to kill all the Jews and Slavic people and other unacceptable minority groups in Eastern Europe as far east as the Ural Mountains. There were so many people he could not kill them all at once. He started to kill the Jews and started to starve the Slavs to death. Fortunately the Red Army turned him back at Stalingrad and routed him at the Battle of Kursk and then drove his military all the way back to Berlin.

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    Default Re: Of historical interest --- Rare 1947 film footage of post-war Germany

    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    We have already forgotten the lessons of World War 2. After the Soviet Red Army liberated the nations of Eastern Europe from Fascism,.....
    Communism is not in any sence of the word a form of liberation.

    Why is it that those on the left of the political spectrum tend to call those with rightly right wing opinions facists?

    I support and will vote for UKIP in two weeks time.

    Does that make me a facist in your eyes?
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