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Thread: Seriously p'd off

  1. #11


    They must be having a quiet week down your way Shelley.

    What a way to go about things. As you said 1 phone call could have sorted it.
    I hope you get it sorted satisfactorily.
    And Hugs from S/S

  2. #12


    Oh Shelley i'm not a parent myself so I can only imagine how hard this all is
    As the others have said, it's always the innocent and not the guilty that get the finger pointed at them

  3. #13



    if you need me text me and I'll ring ya
    Tart with a Heart

  4. #14


    Blimey shelley


    About 2 years ago nathan was being bullied at school and in a bad way, and because of what happened also i suspected he had been abused by a teacher and was very angry , demanding he tell me and he wouldnt i got angier than i ever have with my kids ( ever ) and i slapped his face ( 1ST TIME I EVER HIT MY KIDS ) apart from a tap n the hand when they where little not to go near the fire etc.

    I REPORTED MYSELF ( AGAINST EVERYONES ADVICE ) who told me i was over reacting. To social serices.

    REASON - I had always taught my kids if any one ever hits them, abuses them, bullies them they must tell and so if i had not reported myself what mesg would i have given ? PLUS I wanted to be punished ( to solve my consience ? to prove i wasnt a bad person ? ) i dont know.

    ANYWAY, I reported it and they had to investigate ( i did not know what would take place ) they trawled through years of records from the 1st day my eldest was born. OF COURSE THEY CAME UP WITH ZERO as i had never been a bad parent b4 that.

    They had to do their job and at the end of the day they spoke to the kids, who found it sureal as i had always been the one to protect kids and here was i being branded ( and rightly so imo ) a danger to my own son .... I KNEW I WOULD NEVER HURT HIM or my kids like that again.

    I didnt eat for almost 2 weeks, i got really ill, my guilt consumed me. EVERYONE SAID I WAS OVER REACTING.

    But, I felt like a monster. . . Social workers told me stories of them hitting their own children in despair and all sorts, didnt make me feel any better. But they where trying to show me how they felt i was being too hard on myself.

    ANYWAY i have never and would never slap him again under any circumstances.

    The reason i am telling you this is, that i know what your going through. THEY KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between an accident ( in your case ) or a one off BAD mistake in my case and they act accordingly.

    They didnt ask to examine my other 2 kids mind you, but the doc said when he examined my son ( which was the worst part ) that he had never seen such an un-marked kid in his life and joked did i wrap him up in cotton wool ?

    the truth was not far off, then the irony that i slapped him myself was too terrible for me.

    They concluded that i was one of the best parents they had ever come across and that their only suggestion, I SHOULD NOT BE SO OVER PROTECTIVE.

    I think it will 100% be ok in the end shelley. They can tell a serial child abuser at 100 paces and also a good parent. But they have to do their job.

    THE PROBLEM IS AN OVER ZELLOUS SOCIAL WORKER can some times attach themselves to a innocent case and neglect the CHILD ABUSERS as they hide their tracks so well.
    GOOD LUCK ... xx

  5. #15

  6. #16


    Political correctness gone absolutely barmy!!

    So apparently now parents can't play with their kids for fear of prosecution if their kids accidentally hurt themselves.

    Complete stupidity!!!

    Obviously the headmistress has got absolutely no idea how to identify a genuine case of child abuse, if she did she wouldn't be wasting the time of the police and social services. It's little wonder with actions like this that real child abuse cases get missed far more often than they should.

    I am sure everything will work out fine Shelley, and hope that when this farcical episode is concluded that you receive a full and unreserved apology from the school, police and social services.
    Last edited by abitofvarious; 1st February 2005 at 07:30 PM.

  7. #17


    Just a thought - has the Headmistress even GOT any kids of her own???

    Surely there are procedures to follow in such delicate circumstances anyway... presumably the first of which would have been to CALL THE PARENTS?

    I dunno, still shocked at how they have gone about it.. especially re; your other kids...

    Hope all of you are alright. I bet the urge to smack the headmistress is a bit overwhelming though !!
    Is full of good stuff !

  8. #18

    Default Just tell them

    I know exactly what you are going through.
    When my 1 year old grandson was 4 weeks old the midwife saw some marks on his body.
    We didn't know what they were....truly could have been anything. He is the light of our life and we would never in a million years hurt him.
    Well...we had to take him down to the hospital...the outcome was a nightmare that was just like a rolling stone we couldn.t stop.
    He was kept in hospital....myself, my daughter in law (who is Thai and very upset) and my son were questioned under caution at the Police Station. We had doctors examine him and he had x rays...brain scans and the works.
    Of course they found nothing wrong with him. BUT...we were placed under social services and then started the horrible time of visits...seeing him stripped ever week...and everything..it was awful.
    We couldnt understand how the marks had got there...none of us were used to babies and so we maybe held him too tight or something...I don't know.
    But now..we are hoping in March to come off the register...the health visitor and social workers are great with us. He's walking..so has had other small bruises...but we could explain them and so that was accepted.
    I think what I am trying to say is just tell the truth and let them know how it happened. They have the power of everything over you....you cannot fight back....just go with it.
    It's awful, I know....and when children are well looked after and cared for it hurts so much when this happens....but just tell the truth and stick together.
    We did...and you know inside you are blameless....it will be so upsetting. But you can get through it....I didn't think I could at first, and it has been hard....but we are friendly with our social workers now....at meetings they play with jaret..we have a cup of tea and a chat...we have had to make the best of it.
    Just show them you are good people and this is hard for you...I couldnt do their job...but they have to.
    It is hard for me to talk about it...and this is the first time I have..I just am in the same boat as you....
    Good luck...my email address is
    if you want to talk.

  9. #19


    If I were you Shelley, I'd get onto your local paper as soon as you possibly can and make one hell of a fuss over this. I'd also look at trying to get him into a different school - is he is in special school or mainstream?

    I have never heard a more ridiculous situation in my life. It shouldn't surprise me though - you can't even take pictures of your kids in the bath with bubble beards and a rubber duck any more.

    Best of luck



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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by shelleywelley
    At the weekend Andrew and his dad were play fighting as Andrew is being bullied at school
    Can't add much shelley but best of luck getting this sorted soonest.

    I'm just wondering how come the school are "protecting" Andrew from his Dad when Dad is trying to protect Andrew from the school bullying. Is the school doing anything about the bullying?

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