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Thread: Why should I use the Ninja Lister?

  1. #1

    Question Why should I use the Ninja Lister?

    I have downloaded the Ninja lister and it takes me much more time to create an Auction than it does online.
    I am selling trading cards to I need to change the name of the player, the team and the card ID. Is there something like a template for the Ninja Lister as well?


  2. #2
    Forum Newbie cvarr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why should I use the Ninja Lister?

    Hello, Not sure about a template and at the moment i havent time to look to see, but i am reasonably sure there must be something there - what i wanted to say though was - your question was Why Use Ninja Lister - it takes longer to list ---- i noticed too, it takes longer to list - just as it does in the other auction site using turbo lister - for me the advantage is that once i create the auction in ninja lister or turbo lister - it is there until i delete it and i can rerun it and do not have to remake the auction. I have thousands of books and items that I list from time to time and I can just choose them and add to upload and all done. When I listed in the other auction place i thought they kept my unsold listing for me to relist indefinetly - but they dont, they only keep them for 3 months I think, I lost a lot of inventory that I now have to figure out what it was and replace. So having it all in ninja or turbo lister sure was a life saver for me. Enjoy your day.


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