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Thread: Seller on the other site copying listings

  1. #21
    Forum Lurker BigKidsAttic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Quote Originally Posted by moonwitch View Post
    I know it can be a bother but I am pretty sure that any images you add to an auction site then belong to the site. You keep the original pics but I am willing to bet I could find them on Google images and use them myself if I wanted to.

    I don't know if that also applies to your descriptions though.

    Look what I found on Google images HERE

    Attachment 54908
    You are correct, any image comes up on google, however when you use the Usage Rights menu from the Tools button when image searching, it does not appear when "Image Use Rights" appear. In other words, it is not for use for any commercial use.

    Another update on the VERO programme on Ebay.

    Seller "rawcollector" (who is "offerp" on here) has had the listings removed by Ebay that contained images that were mine that are currently in use by myself on here.
    BigKidsAttic - Action Figure Adoption Agency (Fee's Appy), and supplier of collectible comics.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    I'm puzzled by this thread. For me the question is: "Am I happy to make a sale, am I happy with the price I get?".

    If someone else is shrewd enough to find a buyer for the same item and successfully get a higher price, at most that's a lesson for me next time around.

    Copyright? Of a listing description? Aw, c'mon, we're not talking about a Harry Potter best seller here, complete with film rights! If someone else really likes my description that much (and admittedly I do put some effort into them), well, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

    I hereby grant all of you the right to buy any of my items, reuse photos and/or my description (as long as it still applies to your own ownership), and make as much profit as you like! However, if in the description I say something like "This item was owned by my great aunt who bought it in 1927...", I would take umbrage if you copy that verbatim. Unless you're a cousin of mine!!
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  3. #23
    Forum Master JaBek1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    I'm puzzled by this thread. For me the question is: "Am I happy to make a sale, am I happy with the price I get?".

    If someone else is shrewd enough to find a buyer for the same item and successfully get a higher price, at most that's a lesson for me next time around.

    Copyright? Of a listing description? Aw, c'mon, we're not talking about a Harry Potter best seller here, complete with film rights! If someone else really likes my description that much (and admittedly I do put some effort into them), well, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

    I hereby grant all of you the right to buy any of my items, reuse photos and/or my description (as long as it still applies to your own ownership), and make as much profit as you like! However, if in the description I say something like "This item was owned by my great aunt who bought it in 1927...", I would take umbrage if you copy that verbatim. Unless you're a cousin of mine!!

    It is very nice of you to grant anyone and everyone the free use of the fruits of your labor. While I'm not too obsessed with protecting my copyrighted material as a rule, I do include a copyright notice in all my published material. Some I've actually gone through the expense and registered, others I have not. When it comes to infringing upon my copyright, it is up to the thief to determine if the risk of picking one that is registered is worth the potential consequences. Frankly, I'm not going waste a lot of time or sleep trying to babysit my material, but I'm not very forgiving when people steal from me either.

    Frankly, I'm a relatively generous person and not above granting rights to use much of my copyrighted material when asked, I do insist that someone wanting to use it ask before doing so. I also like to be given credit as the owner of the copyright when they are doing so. Sort of a creative ego thing.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    I hereby grant all of you the right to buy any of my items, reuse photos and/or my description (as long as it still applies to your own ownership), and make as much profit as you like! However, if in the description I say something like "This item was owned by my great aunt who bought it in 1927...", I would take umbrage if you copy that verbatim. Unless you're a cousin of mine!!
    I like this. Lately all too often people are fine with someone using their thing or their work but then they get upset that someone else somehow profited from their work. It's just people being jealous and trying to tear others down. So what? It hardly hurts the original creator at all, and whether or not it was used by someone else for profit or not doesn't make any difference to the original creator of the work.

    Anyone and any corporation can freely reuse my pictures and listing information. However, if you do, you consent to me being allowed to freely use your or your corporation's pictures and listing information.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Quote Originally Posted by JaBek1 View Post

    It is very nice of you to grant anyone and everyone the free use of the fruits of your labor. While I'm not too obsessed with protecting my copyrighted material as a rule, I do include a copyright notice in all my published material. Some I've actually gone through the expense and registered, others I have not. When it comes to infringing upon my copyright, it is up to the thief to determine if the risk of picking one that is registered is worth the potential consequences. Frankly, I'm not going waste a lot of time or sleep trying to babysit my material, but I'm not very forgiving when people steal from me either.

    Frankly, I'm a relatively generous person and not above granting rights to use much of my copyrighted material when asked, I do insist that someone wanting to use it ask before doing so. I also like to be given credit as the owner of the copyright when they are doing so. Sort of a creative ego thing.

    Not especially nice of me at all. I'm not giving a blanket get-outta-jail-free card for all uses of my labour. On the contrary I have got very uppity indeed when software I've put a lot of effort into has been ripped off. But let's get real, we're talking about an auction listing here. Fill kettle, point, click, scribble, kettle's boiled, time for a cuppa. How much effort is that? Someone else subsequently benefitting from that tiny amount of labour (in addition to the benefit I got when making the sale)... more to the point, how would I be gaining by not sharing in that way?

    I do agree with you though, that it's nice to be asked and to be given credit. Choose the right licence: https://creativecommons.org/ -- lots to choose from, that fit many situations to suit your preferences.
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  6. #26

    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    In other words, it is not for use for any commercial use.
    Or non commercial use in US law. There may be a big push for Creative Commons and other free information type things but these are custom licenses that are not related to any copyright law and it does not apply unless said material is specifically licensed as such.

    Copying someone else's material without permission can be a violation of copyright law. In the USA fair use is allowed which means that you can copy someone else's material in order to make references to it as part of something that you are saying. For example, you could copy scenes from a recent movie in order to show your viewers examples of political messages contained in the movie that you are making a news story about. This is done in order to preserve the right of freedom of speech. Search engines use this to copy content from other websites in order to make references to it as part of their freedom to create and share information. You have the legal right to make references to copyrighted works, and copying some of their content (or even all in some unusual situations) under fair use is allowed.

  7. #27
    Forum Lurker BigKidsAttic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    I'm puzzled by this thread. For me the question is: "Am I happy to make a sale, am I happy with the price I get?".

    If someone else is shrewd enough to find a buyer for the same item and successfully get a higher price, at most that's a lesson for me next time around.
    I had no problem with the individual selling items. However I did have a problem when they used my Pictures/wording to sell an item they did not actually have. I know they did not have the item as they would then purchase said item from myself.

    The other problem I had with them doing this, was that they ommited any faults with said item when they listed it (before actually owning it). I take time to list any faults with items on my listings.
    One item in question was a Return of the Jedi Princess Leia in Boushh outfit which I had listed as a Recard (previously opened and re-sealed) and the figure inside had some wear.
    The individual in question had it listed as a Recard also, but failed to mention the wear to the figure and while they used my pictures, they ommited the one picture that showed the wear.
    Did they have this item that they ahd used my images for? No, as they then proceeded to purchase this item off of me after they had sold it.

    Again, I stress that I have no problem with someone buying from me to sell elsewhere, I just insist they buy first before selling elsewhere.

    As for Lesson Learned. I could make higher money on Ebay if I tried, but i'm quite happy here, and this site would loose a seller if I moved.
    BigKidsAttic - Action Figure Adoption Agency (Fee's Appy), and supplier of collectible comics.

  8. #28
    Forum Lurker BigKidsAttic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    But let's get real, we're talking about an auction listing here. Fill kettle, point, click, scribble, kettle's boiled, time for a cuppa. How much effort is that? Someone else subsequently benefitting from that tiny amount of labour (in addition to the benefit I got when making the sale)... more to the point, how would I be gaining by not sharing in that way?
    No it's not just Fill kettle, point, click, scribble, kettle's boiled, etc..
    I actually put effort into my listing where I can, I take the time to take multiple pictures of each item, Edit those pictures so there's more image than background, name each image for reference, then when listing (I may copy and paste original template), I describe the item with any faults etc.., Then once listing is done, I then make sure item is safely stored (so it doesn't get damaged) and logged as to where it is so I can easily find it if/when it sells.

    This bit happens no matter who it sells to - Then when it does sell, there's printing the Invoice, getting the item out of wherever it's stored, finding suitable packaging, making sure it's packaged securely/sufficiently, then taking it to the Post Office to send off. Also there's making sure that it goes to the address listed on Paypal rather than the one they may have given on ebid, or enquiring why the address is different.

    I informed the individual that I had no problem with them selling my item/s, but that they had to buy it from myself first and use their own pictures, afterall, they do have access to a camera since some of their listing are their own.
    BigKidsAttic - Action Figure Adoption Agency (Fee's Appy), and supplier of collectible comics.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Again, I stress that I have no problem with someone buying from me to sell elsewhere, I just insist they buy first before selling elsewhere.
    It's just another junk dealer on eBay. What difference does it make if they buy the item first, or have you drop ship it to their customer? This just makes eBay go more downhill which helps other sites. Having them buy the item from you first actually hurts you because it reduces the amount of time that the item is for sale on ebid.net which reduces your chances of a direct sale to an end user.

    Unless you're trying to protect your company's brand, or you are trying to promote ebid.net by forcing customers to buy directly from here by blocking any resellers from doing businesses with you, then there is really nothing for you to gain by trying to stop resellers from using you as their supplier even if they have falsely advertized your product.

  10. #30
    Forum Lurker BigKidsAttic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Seller on the other site copying listings

    Quote Originally Posted by stopusingebay View Post
    It's just another junk dealer on eBay. What difference does it make if they buy the item first, or have you drop ship it to their customer? This just makes eBay go more downhill which helps other sites. Having them buy the item from you first actually hurts you because it reduces the amount of time that the item is for sale on ebid.net which reduces your chances of a direct sale to an end user.

    Unless you're trying to protect your company's brand, or you are trying to promote ebid.net by forcing customers to buy directly from here by blocking any resellers from doing businesses with you, then there is really nothing for you to gain by trying to stop resellers from using you as their supplier even if they have falsely advertized your product.
    And there's your point, the words "falsely advertised".

    And as for more likely to get a sale for it here when its advertised elsewhere, that's rubbish, if the individual who buys on Ebay looked around for it cheaper, then they would buy from here or wherever they found it cheaper, but as they purchase from there, then they obviously don't look eleswhere.

    Having someone advertise the same pictures on Ebay at a higher price of the exact same listing on here with a different seller (to my way of thinking anyway) would raise an alarm bell and make me wonder why is the item cheaper on a less well-known site (maybe even unheard of). I then think, i'll take my chances with paying more on the site that I know about.
    BigKidsAttic - Action Figure Adoption Agency (Fee's Appy), and supplier of collectible comics.

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