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Thread: Search eBid from forums

  1. #1

    Default Search eBid from forums

    I know it's been there for a while but just wondering why the searchbox on the forum pages has United States set as default? Why US and not UK? Are there more US members and auctions? I find it a bit annoying to be honest that if I want to search for UK items from the forums I have to click on the drop-down list. There's also no way of viewing a forum member's auctions (ones without links on their sigs) from here or viewing busy/closing auctions without having to go back to the home page.

    Personally, I would like to see the same search box as the one on the home page, would be fairer and simpler IMO.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by lizpepper
    I know it's been there for a while but just wondering why the searchbox on the forum pages has United States set as default? Why US and not UK? Are there more US members and auctions? I find it a bit annoying to be honest that if I want to search for UK items from the forums I have to click on the drop-down list. There's also no way of viewing a forum member's auctions (ones without links on their sigs) from here or viewing busy/closing auctions without having to go back to the home page.

    Personally, I would like to see the same search box as the one on the home page, would be fairer and simpler IMO.
    that happened to me last night and I thought I must have done something wrong don't understand why it goes to the usa site ...........little mystery

  3. #3


    morning five .... same thing happened to me.... couldn't find something that I knew was here somewhere, tried all sorts of different keywords.... then realised I was only getting US results.......... I think there's more chance of finding/selling something if all items from all countries are shown, can always narrow it down in the 'advanced search' if needs be.

  4. #4


    morning liz I had to come out of ebid and log back in when that happened as each time I clicked home it took me to the usa site....a box with the option to search international sites would be a useful addition, I use that option on espit all the time and find it very handy...

  5. #5


    I agree with you on the 'option'... certainly not keen on being sent to another country's site by default...

  6. #6


    oooh... just noticed searchbox no longer has US as default

    Thank you G & M

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