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Thread: bulk upload

  1. #11

    Exclamation My Reply....

    Quote Originally Posted by jawaidkarim
    I have also emailed ebid 3 times with the bulk upload file and am still awaiting a response.

    Could we please have an automated upload system please!!!!
    For This I Think You Have to - YELL LOUDLY

    and Fall to the Ground frailing your arms and legs..............foam at the mouth.....and

    SCREAM Bloody Murder.....


  2. #12

    Default hurry up and wait


    guess i need to unbait that breath

    Top of my Christmas list, Santa to bring eBid some auto responder software

    p.s. dont check out my store, its empty and i am not going to sit for more hours typing each item in by hand at the site!

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by paladinz2k
    dont check out my store, its empty and i am not going to sit for more hours typing each item in by hand at the site!
    Exactly! I can generate listings direct from our local database in about three mouse clicks.. 20, 100, even 3000 listings in an instant, for whichever site I want to list on. (Even adding a new file format for another auction site is only a few minutes work.) Our items are mostly priced at £1.50 - for the sales we made on eBid, and for the profit we actually make on them, it's just not worth my time to plod through the web based listing pages over and over again. BUT if I can generate 200 listings, upload or email them off, and know they will be visible shortly therafter, it's worth it. If, like now, it's a week later and they still haven't appeared, then I'm not going to bother, and nor is anybody else who wants to list large quantities of items. Are eBid trying to disuade us from using them?

    So.. eBid, Mark, Gary, whomever: Top prioritiy:

    1. get bulk upload fully automated!
    2. get gallery working with external images, even if you just go fetch and copy them locally as you import the auctions! Heck, at one point we couldn't use gallery UNLESS they were external images!!

  4. #14

  5. #15

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