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Thread: Credit Card expired, PPPay, Recommendations

  1. #1

    Default Credit Card expired, PPPay, Recommendations

    Hi, call me stupid but I was wondering if anyone can advise me? My credit card has expired and I wanted to sumbit my new card details.

    Can anyone please tell me how much I will have to pay to re-register my card? I am worried because I have been reading about people having recurring charges. I don't want to have a subscription, only pay for the auction features that I select.

    Secondly, can anyone explain PPPay to me or send me a link that explains the charges to the buyer and seller?

    Also, I always recommend Ebid to my Ebay customers. Ebid should allow users to enter the name of an existing member whom recommended them when they register. Just so Ebid recognise that current members are proactively seeking new members! I don't have a website and simply recommend ebid via email or on the back of my packages.

  2. #2


    There should be a link under my subscriptions. The recuring charges you have read about are for the various Gold statuses except the Life membership go for that if you are not already a life member. I dont think there is any charge to update your card details on eBid.


    Sending money from a balance within your pppay account to another pppay member is free, if a zero balance then PPPay charges £0.39p to send if under £75.00, sending over £75.00 is free. A receiving fee of 1.95% is charged if a Credit card is used no fee if a Debit card is used. Withdrawing from your PPPay account is £0.69p or 1% whichever is the greater.

    Ebid have an affillate program

    If you sign up put your link in youre emails and any resulting signups will generate a £1.00 for youre effort.

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