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  1. #31

    Default New member but would like to ask a question

    Hi there l am a new member but have been on the internet for around 5 years now, l was interested in the posts regarding the con schemes, ie get rich schemes, can you name exactly what you mean as l am confused, l write e-books full time for a living and sell a lot of them, over the years l have had a lot of emails back thanking me for my advice and some to tell me the opposite yet the material for both was the same.

    Could it be some of it is down to the person and their attitude, perhaps you can advise me?
    regards Peter

  2. #32


    I'm sure there are a few good ebooks out there, I have bought some myself, and a few of them were useful and were accurate in what the listing claimed the contents to be.
    However there are people who make unrealistic claims about how much money can be made from buying their particular ebook.
    There are some people who believe these claims and waste their money on such scams, and as 'it's only a couple of quid', they feel embarrassed and a waste of time to complain.
    I suppose that is why all ebooks have been banned.

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